Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Secrets of Paper and Ink, Lindsay Harrel (Book Review)


About the book:

A year after the death of her abusive fiancΓ©, domestic violence counselor Sophia Barrett finds returning to work too painful. She escapes to Cornwall, England--a place she's learned to love through the words of her favorite author--and finds a place to stay with the requirement that she help out in the bookstore underneath the room she's renting. Given her love of all things literary, it seems like the perfect place to find peace.

Ginny Rose is an American living in Cornwall, sure that if she saves the bookstore she co-owns with her husband then she can save her marriage as well. Fighting to keep the first place she feels like she belongs, she brainstorms with her brother-in-law, William, and Sophia to try to keep the charming bookstore afloat.

Two hundred years before, governess Emily Fairfax knew two things for certain: she wanted to be a published author, and she was in love with her childhood best friend. But he was a wealthy heir and well out of her league. Sophia discovers Emily's journals, and she and William embark on a mission to find out more about this mysterious and determined woman, all the while getting closer to each other as they get closer to the truth.

The lives of the three women intertwine as each learns the power she has over the story of her life.

  My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

 That title alone!! 😍😍😍😍

 A split time novel, my heart raced back and forth throughout hundreds of years.
 All three of these women had beautiful and compelling stories.
  While there is romance, I like that it wasn't the main plot.
   Instead of the book being overpowered by romantic relationships, it was full of beautiful friendships. Women supporting other women. It was a refreshing trope.
 Especially for someone who has gotten just a little sick of romance lately. And to all who personally know me, I know, I know. What a shocker! πŸ˜‚
   I loved the sweet, kindred spirit friendship between Ginny and Sophia. It was so sweet and there friendship was so spontaneous, I believe God makes people to fit together, and these ladies fit.

  I did love the romance that was in put in though.
 Sophia's friend William was adorable!! His lighthearted humor but huge heart were just what she needed.
 I won't give away anything else. πŸ˜‰

    Emily was somewhat of a Jo March.  Spending hours writing, unaware of how the hours had slipped away. Hers and Sophia's love for all things literature was familiar to my own. We're still working on Ginny. πŸ˜‰
   I loved the love of all things books and writing!! Lindsey has a way of perfectly describing these "other worlds wrapped in cardboard and parchment. "

 Sophia was a victim of abuse, she goes to Cornwall to recover and find herself in the process. Her close friend Joy thinks if Sophia writes her story, it will allow her to heal.

 Ginny is a "runaway," she's never felt like she's belonged. Sure, she's pretended, but the life she's living just isn't what her soul is saying is right.
 Her husband has left, Ginny has sectioned herself off from her friends, but when Sophia comes into her life, both ladies have an impact on each other they could never have imagined.

    The writing was gorgeous! Poetic and beautiful, Lindsay has a way of putting you in the scene. Her descriptions made my heart sore and my soul happy. Her poetic writing will not soon be forgotten.

 I would have preferred more Faith content.
 While a few of the characters did have a relationship with Christ and purposely gave their lives to Christ, it just wasn't enough for me.

 My heart ached for lost love, displaced hearts, and the sad influence society has on our decisions.
 Even though this story is fiction, it has a way of touching your soul like no other has before.

 Some of the story lines were predictable, but not too predictable you couldn't enjoy it. others story lines were a complete surprise!

 There was a sex comment I didn't like, and wondered why it was in there.
But it was about a married couple, so nothing impure.

   "A lot of people deserve happiness and don't get it."
"But a lot do. Maybe we just need to keep walking, even when it takes us somewhere we don't want to go. Maybe on the other side, that s where the happiness is found. But if we give up when we're wading through the muck and mire, we'll never discover . . ."Ginny paused.
She continued, "If we give up hope, we'll never discover the ocean of possibility spread before us."

 Lindsay is a new to me author, I was not disappointed.
 You will definitely want to grab this book up as soon as it releases on February 26th!!

But for now, you could pre-order it here.

 I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Under the Midnight Sun, Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse (Book Review)

About the book:
Tayler Hale is ahead of her time as one of the first women naturalists. She has always loved adventure and the great outdoors, and her remote job location also helps keep her away from the clutches of the man to whom she once made a foolish promise. It seems she must keep running, however, and in secret, her boss from Yellowstone arranges for a new job . . . in Alaska.

The popular Curry Hotel continues to thrive in 1929 as more visitors come to Alaska and venture into the massive national park surrounding Denali. Recent graduate Thomas Smith has returned to the hotel and the people he considers family. But when a woman naturalist comes to fill the open position and he must work with her, everything becomes complicated.

The summer brings unexpected guests and trouble to Curry. With his reputation at stake, will Thomas be able to protect Tayler from the danger that follows?

My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thomas Smith is just returning home to the Curry hotel, where the staff is like family and the work he does makes him feel complete. Or maybe not. 
Thomas is confused when something just doesn't feel right after earning a degree in college and returning to the only home he's ever really known. 
He's been training for years for the position he finally has, but that sense of belonging he used to feel just isn't there anymore. 

  Tayler Hale is running from a relentless man intent on marrying her for her money. 

 Ever since a certain tragedy, the Hale family just hasn't been the same. 
Tayler has to get away. She finds solace in coming to Alaska. 
 And maybe, just maybe, she'll find where she belongs with the wonderful people who work at the Curry hotel. 

  I fell in love with Thomas in the first and second books (In the Shadow of Denali and Out of the Ashes,) and I was so excited to read his story in Under the Midnight Sun. 

 Tayler is a great match for him; they're both adventurous and they share the same interests.

 Thomas was at first weary of having a woman in a position held usually by a man. 
But the Curry hotel is modernizing every day. 
 Thomas is surprised to learn Tayler actually knows what she's talking about and soon comes to respect her. 

 Both Tayler and Thomas have been wounded in the past but neither are ready to give up hope just yet. 
  They find comfort in each other, but are they worth trusting? 

Thomas is a gentle, sweet, caring and kind soul. 
   He was 17 in the 1st book, and it was amazing to watch him grow throughout the 2nd book and become the great young man he is in this book. 

 Tayler was also very great! I was so happy to welcome another great lady from Curry into my heart.
My only dislike about Taylor was that she had a great many accomplishments and she didn't hesitate to share them. 

  This story has villains you can hate and a hero and heroine you can fall in LOVE with!! 

The book was hysterical, heart-warming and just all around wonderful!  (a Kimberley and Tracie trademark) 
  I 1000% recommend this book!!
But I would also definitely read the 1st and 2nd book before the 3rd so that you can enjoy the full awesomeness and all the inside jokes I so loved.

This series will make you fall in love with God and Alaska.

     I am so, so sad to see this series end, but just because all the words have been written does not mean the story has ended.
These characters will forever live in my heart and many, many others hearts.
 So you see, a book never really ends, because it becomes a part of our souls.

 Shadow of Denali, (the first book in the series) was the first book I'd ever read by Tracie and Kimberley. I FELL IN LOVE.

 My library has tons of Tracie's books but not Kimberley's, so I rented like 5 or more of Tracie's books every 2 weeks. I devoured them, (sometimes reading one a day!)

I fell in love with amazing characters set in amazing places!

 I've since had the privilege of reviewing several books for Kimberley and I've fallen in love with her beautiful, heartwarming stories as well.

Both of these women are such amazing and caring ladies; I'm honored to review for them!

This story like I expected was AMAZING!

In the Shadow of Denali is the reason I fell in love with Alaska in the first place.
Kimberley and Tracie write such amazing and vivid descriptions of the beautiful scenery found in Alaska. It makes my soul feel like I need to go there. And I will, Lord willing, one day!

Once again, I was so happy to go one last round with the great people of Curry.
I was so happy to welcome old characters back into my heart and welcome some new ones too.

I 1000% recommend this series, you can't find a better one.

Purchase links for the Heart of Alaska series. 
Under the Midnight Sun

In the Shadow of Denali

Out of the Ashes

Don't they all just have great titles??!

❓Did you ever read a book that made you feel like coming home? 


* I received a free copy of this book from the author, I was not in any way required to write a favorable review, all thoughts and expressions are purely my own*
Thank you Kimberley for the book!!
And thank you to both ladies for writing such a fantastic story that will resonate in my soul forever. 

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