Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Announcing Never Say Goodbye, Sarah Grace Grzy!

Never Say Goodbye by Sarah Grace Grzy, coming Spring 2020!!
They say time heals all wounds. But he was finding it a poor painkiller.
Tyler Collens has seen grief and loss in his years of experience as a
paramedic—but he never expected it to touch his life in such a personal way.
The death of his wife eighteen months ago shook his steady world and changed
him in more ways than he can count. Time and routine have steadied his feet,
and he looks toward the future as he raises his infant daughter—but the past
has a tighter grip on him than he knows.
Alyvia Emmerson has never been certain of who she is or where she belongs.
Her dad’s abandonment as a teen broke a fragile piece of her heart, but ten
years later, she has moved on. Living on her own, she at last has a project to
devote herself to: revitalizing a shabby bookstore. But she didn’t count on her
dream job revealing the shattered pieces of herself she thought mended long
In this sophomore novella featuring beloved characters from Live Without You,
Sarah Grace Grzy explores themes of grief and hope in a story that touches both
the heart and spirit.

Goodreads link.

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Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Distance too Grand, Regina Scott. (Book Review)

About the book:

When a spunky photographer wrangles her way onto an 1871 survey crew of the Grand Canyon she thinks nothing can stand in her way. But her mind changes when she finds out she'll be working alongside the one man she doesn't want to fall in love with.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars 

A mysterious and intriguing air kept me turning pages in this book.
A romance between a broken hearted man and a woman with no re idea of love made my heart swoon.
The cast of characters in Scott's A Distance too Grand were all interesting and added to the story in their own way.
 This is the first time I've been introduced to Scott's writing and I must say, I was very pleased with the meeting.
Her stories are told in a simple, yet beautiful way. Her flowery descriptions were just enough to send my heart aflutter.
   Scott set the scene in the wilds of Arizona perfectly. I felt I was riding a horse in the rocky terrain next to Ben and Meg myself.
I believe Regina Scott stories and I will meet again and again.


*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.*

The Horse of My Dreams, True stories of the horses we love. Edited Callie Smith Grant. (Book Review)

About the book:

  Where do we turn when work is draining, a friend lets us down, or we can't take any more news stories or political controversies? We turn to animals. We watch and share heartwarming videos of animals and the people who love them. For over a decade, Callie Smith Grant has been helping people celebrate our animal friends with her delightful collections of stories, and she's back with more true stories for horse lovers.

With contributions from both well-known and up-and-coming writers, this heartwarming collection is the perfect way for animal lovers to decompress and remember God's good gift to us in the majestic, calming, inspiring, and even silly horses he created. Horse owners, horse lovers, and horse dreamers will adore these uplifting true stories.

 My thoughts: 5/5

This beautiful collection of stories told by people in all different stages of life whom were all changed by the majestic beast we call horse touched my heart. 
    There were so many inspiring stories and some that broke a little piece of my heart.
 These stories made me realize just how connected we humans are. Something as simple as a horse uniting people at the heart confirms they're not so simple after all. 
  I was touched by each story told and was very blessed to read this uplifting book. 


*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.*

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

One More River to Cross, Jane Kirkpatrick. (Book Review)

About the book:

 In 1844, two years before the Donner Party, the Stevens-Murphy company left Missouri to be the first wagons into California through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Mostly Irish Catholics, the party sought religious freedom and education in the mission-dominated land and enjoyed a safe journey--until October, when a heavy snowstorm forced difficult decisions. The first of many for young Mary Sullivan, newlywed Sarah Montgomery, the widow Ellen Murphy, and her pregnant sister-in-law Maolisa.

When the party separates in three directions, each risks losing those they loved and faces the prospect of learning that adversity can destroy or redefine. Two women and four men go overland around Lake Tahoe, three men stay to guard the heaviest wagons--and the rest of the party, including eight women and seventeen children, huddle in a makeshift cabin at the headwaters of the Yuba River waiting for rescue . . . or their deaths.

Award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick plunges you deep into a landscape of challenge where fear and courage go hand in hand for a story of friendship, family, and hope that will remind you of what truly matters in times of trial.

 My thoughts: 2/5 stars

 I immediately grabbed this book because 1) It's by Jane Kirkpatrick; 2) the history! 😍

This book definitely did not lack in the history department. I was soo intrigued by this true story of travelers. 
  But this book did, however, lack in compelling, lovable characters...... I didn't like any of them. 
Actually, I disliked many of them thoroughly  

The story was good, the writing was off. 
The book just wasn't as amazing as I'd expected. 

It became boring very quickly and I did not want to finish it. 

- Rebekah 

**I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.**

You like what I thrifted?

I've gone thrifting a few times this month so here's some of my favorite finds from each trip!                                      ...