Monday, November 18, 2019

God Met Me Here.(Book review.)

About the book:

There is so much destruction and sad news going on in the world today. Many times you hear people ask, "Where is God in all of this?" The truth is God is right here. He has never left us. This book includes stories of exactly where God met the authors in their every day lives. For some it was pulling them out of a bad situation. For others it was helping them when they were lost. In every story, you will experience the deep love that God has for His children.
Read mind-blowing stories of when God shows up in situations dealing with:
  • parenting
  • blindness
  • grief
  • suicide
  • pornography
  • failed relationships
  • fear
  • abandonment
  • marriage
  • drug additction
  • abuse
  • divorce
  • physical ailments
  • being lost in a foreign country
Your hope will be renewed and your faith stirred.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars.

God Met Me Here is an incredible collection of stories about individuals telling their story of when God met them.
   Each person was living a different life. All in various stages and seasons. But the one thing they all have in common is a story of how God met them. Some in miraculous ways. Others in the simple process of life.
   This book touched my life in more ways   than one.
  I enjoyed each of the stories in God Met Me Here. Some hit closer to home than others,  but each was a blessing. I'm so thankful I got to read these stories in their own unique amazing-ness.
  I rejoiced that these people, some in the hardest time of their lives, found God.
   Huge hugs and prayers to the ones who contributed to this book. May the Lord continue to bless you and meet you.

Please visit the book's landing page ! I strongly suggest looking in to purchasing it!!

Special thanks to the publisher, Tracy Fagan at Kingdom Publishing, for providing me with a proof copy to review!
**I was given a free copy of, "God Met Me Here", for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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