Friday, November 6, 2020

Life Update.

 Well, hello again!

It's been a while since I've posted anything, hasn't it?

Over the past year I've taken an unexpected break from the blogging and bookstagram world. It wasn't intentional. But life just kinda hit me hard. 

But lately I've been really wanting to get back into posting content for all the beautiful people I've met over the two years I've been in this writing world. I've missed the community, the sharing, the meeting new people from different cultures and ages, etc. That I wouldn't normally meet otherwise.

  So much has gone on, and yet it seems also so little has changed. 

I recently posted on my bookstagram, Jesus_andbooks asking for some suggestions on what to post here. You guys really outdid yourselves! I received so many good ideas, I'm so excited to explore every one of em!! 

Well, for a little update about me I guess.. Even though I'm not sure there's much to tell. 

 Let's see, I had job, lost the job due to covid. Got a job, quit that job. And I'm currently job searching. Haha.

 What else? Oh, got a nose piercing!

   This July I had the most fun of my life. Went on a spontaneous trip to Florida to see my family and go to Universal studios! Where my best friend proposed to my sister.

I know we're not wearing masks in either of these pictures, but never fear, masks were strictly enforced the entire time there. In the first picture because it was their engagement photo they quickly slipped them off for us to snap a picture. In the second photo we were allowed to take our masks off while we were eating/drinking so we were. 

It was absolutely magical. I loved every minute of it. 


  This year a lot has happened. I've hurt, I've thrived, I've grown and I've most definitely changed. But I truly believe I'm becoming the best version of myself. And I'm proud of my progress.

I know 2020 has been hard on us all, but what's something good that happened to you this year? 


You like what I thrifted?

I've gone thrifting a few times this month so here's some of my favorite finds from each trip!                                      ...