Saturday, February 20, 2021

Book review for Marriage, Melodies and Rewritten Conclusions by V. Joy Palmer.

About the book:

Kaylee McGrurd feels like life has left her behind. Her best friends have all moved out, married, or are in the process of matrimony. Meanwhile, she’s lost another job, and her daily diet consists of noodles that are better suited as packing material.

Then Kaylee’s ex, Gabe Sanders, enters the equation.

Gabe walked out on Kaylee without warning or explanation nine years earlier, but now he’s been brought back to the area for the unforeseen future. And he’s in need of new lead vocalist for his wedding band.

A dwindling account balance calls for desperate measures, and Kaylee reluctantly accepts Gabe’s offer. While the former couple works together in the midst of happy marriages and heartfelt melodies, secrets and the need for forgiveness highlight the strife between them…and the hope that maybe God’s rewriting the conclusion to their story.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

 A boy who doesn't believe in love and a hopelessly awkward girl who struggles with forgiveness. Definitely the makings of an epic story.

 Kaylee and Gabe's story is one I've been looking forward to since reading the start of this series. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint! It was everything I hoped for and more.

Quirky, humorous, filled with references I loved. And characters I fell head over heels in love with. 

This is a story of forgiveness and rekindling a love once lost. The love between man and woman intertwined with finding God's grace and redemption again. It was an incredible book. 

First of all, I'm experiencing major book hangover from this story. These were characters I'd bonded with and now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do knowing this was the last book I'll get to about their lives in.

 However, don't let that intimidate you. Yes, there are two books that come before this story, but they call all be read as standalone. 

"In a way it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who wears their " Christian" mask and hides their struggles and hurts. Is that horrible of me? It just helps me to know, to see, that the people I view as perfect and/or horrible are so much more. We've all got junk." - Kaylee Mcgrurd.

This story is filled with pearls of wisdom such as this. V. Joy Palmer's books never fail to make me feel seen. Her characters and their struggles really show life as a Christian perfectly. They show real doubts, and real struggles, and real pain.  But it always draws them back to the Lord. I love how the author deals with serious real life issues. Putting our own life experiences and "junk" into our stories really helps the reader connect. And that's something I love about these books. I felt so, so connected.

I 100% recommend Marriage, Melodies, and Rewritten Conclusions. As well as Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations; and Weddings, Willows, and Revised Expectations. All three books are super clean, very quick and fun reads with a lot of heart.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.

I hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night. Do something this week that brings you happiness. 💗

Always, Rebekah. 

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