Monday, May 17, 2021

Book review for, "Summer time Lilies," by LM Karen.


About the book:

There are three things you should know about Brittany Masters:

1. She’s a single mom and a nurse manager at the local cancer clinic

2. She has big plans, a quiet summer

3. She’s convinced that fudge pops are the answer to almost all of life’s most important questions

 A new neighbor, Matt, making friends with her son while simultaneously pursuing a relationship with her blow plans for a predictable summer right out of the water. A chance meeting at the cancer clinic where she works renews a connection with an old friend and gives her the perspective she’s been missing. From quiet nights on her front porch swing in Matt’s company to long talks in the clinic with her old/new friend, Brittany’s summer is anything but routine.

My thoughts: 3.5/5 

I thought the story was super cute! Very lovable characters and a sweet love story.

 I felt it lacked some conflict, but that can be good sometimes. It is definitely a comfort read. Something you curl up in bed with hot cocoa to read. Except it's a summer story, so maybe curl up in bed with some iced tea!

 Brittney is a very strong and hard headed person. But that's why I love her. She's an awesome mama bear to sweet, energetic Grady.

And Matt fits right into their family dynamic. Matt was such a sweet, understanding guy. And that made this love story even better. He's for sure swoon worthy!

 I absolutely love the friendship between Matt's sister and Brittany. Literally everything you can want in a potential sister in law/best friend.

 Overall a sweet read! 

PSA there was minimal swearing and a mention of God's name in vain. But other than that a very clean read. 

Here's the Purchase link for anyone interested! :) 

As well as the Author's website/newsletter sign-up

Her Facebook and her Instagram

  Thanks so much for reading! I hope you guys do something that makes you happy today. 



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