Monday, August 2, 2021

Let's talk re-reads!

  Do you like to re-read favorite books? I know the arguments: who's got the time? Why would you waste your free time on a book you already know the ending too instead of reading a brand new, intriguing book? 

 Re-reading books and re-watching old tv shows is the same for me- comforting. When you feel anxious and depressed it can be so nice to just read (or watch) something you already know the ending to. No worry. No added stress cause you get to skip past your least favorite parts. 

Here are four books I've re-read the most:

Secrets, by Robin Jones Gunn. 

Jessica ran from her past...but can she hide from love?

Jessica Morgan wants desperately to forget the past and begin a new life. She chooses a small, peaceful town tucked away in Oregon’s Willamette Valley as the place to start over—Glenbrooke. Once there, Jessica conceals her identity from the intriguing personalities she meets—including the compassionate paramedic who desires to protect her and the jealous woman who wants nothing more than to destroy her.

Will Jessica’s deceit ruin all hope for the future? Or will she find a deeper peace that allows her to stop hiding the truth from those who love her most of all?

This heartwarming bestseller, book one in the Glenbrooke series, introduces the fascinating people of Glenbrooke in a compelling tale of romance and spiritual truth. 


Secrets is just the most incredible, satisfying book I've ever read. I still get butterflies with every re-read! And the beginning- oh man does it start out with a bang! I think that literally everyone needs to read this masterpiece. It's on my top five of favorite books.

Here is the purchase link for you guys who I know are intrigued by this killer opening!

Marrying Miss Marshal, by Lacy Williams. 

She's no lady...

Danna Carpenter is town marshal. And a darn good one. Even if she has to handle saloon brawls and rustlers alone. Who needs deputies anyway? All right, she’d welcome the help if any of the men in town would offer it. When a bank robbery goes bad, she has no choice but to accept the help of a city slicker...

He’s on a quest for revenge.

Chas O'Grady came West in search of cattle rustlers and found himself on the trail of a killer--one who took everything from him. Crossing paths with the pretty marshal was happenstance, but he can't leave her deputy-less when she’s facing such grave danger.

Everything changes when Chas and Danna are stranded together in a snowstorm. The town council forces a marriage. And attraction turns to something more...

Will Chas give up his quest for revenge? Or will he lose the woman he loves forever?

MARRYING MISS MARSHAL is a Wild West marriage of convenience story.


 Y'all already know I'm sucker for marriage of convenience stories. But this one is by far my favorite of any I've read. I could never get tired of Chas and Danna's beautiful love story. I stayed up all night to finish it the first time I read it and I immediately wanted to start it pver. Again, I still get butterflies with every re-read. Speaking of, I think it's time to crack open the cover again, haha.

Here's the purchase link!

Christmas Letters, by Debbie Macomber. 

Katherine O'Connor often spends her days at a cozy cafe on Blossom Street in Seattle--where she writes Christmas letters for other people. She's good at making their everyday lives sound more interesting. More humorous. More dramatic. But for Dr. Wynn Jeffries, who also frequents the cafe, Christmas means lies and deception. In fact, the renowned child psychologist recommends that parents bury Santa under the sleigh. Katherine, however, feels that his parenting philosophy is one big mistake--at least, based on her five-year-old twin nieces, who are being raised according to his Free Child methods. She argues with Wynn about his theories, while he argues that her letters are nothing but lies. They disagree about practically everything--and yet, somehow, they don't really want to stop arguing. As the days--and nights--move closer to Christmas, Katherine and Wynn both discover that love means accepting your differences. And Christmas is about the things you share....


A girl who's first love is Christmas and a guy who thinks the holiday should be put to death. What could go wrong? But even better, what could go right? This is the most adorable Christmas book I've ever read. I re-read it every year.  Wynn and KO's love story is filled with hilarious bickering as they work to overcome their differences when it seems like fate just keeps pushing them together, It's frustrating for the couple to say the least, but oh boy is it entertaining for us readers!

Disclaimer: This book is secular with some intense kissing scenes.

Purchase link

Love Finds You In Sunset Beach, Hawaii, by Robin Jones Gunn. 

Sierra came to Sunset Beach for relaxation--not for world-class surfing and certainly not for romance! When a wealthy friend offers Sierra Jensen a vacation at an oceanfront beach house, she envisions a quiet retreat where she can plan her next move. Instead, she arrives at the start of the noisy surfing competitions and is surprised to learn that her friend had an ulterior motive--namely, introducing Sierra to Jordan Bryce, the tenant staying below them. Jordan is a photographer whose lens and attention are focused on the surfers, and he is not willing to let anyone get in his way of landing the next cover shot for Surf Days magazine. Sierra and Jordan came to Sunset Beach looking for different things. But as the surf pounds the North Shore, will they discover something better than either of them had imagined?


LFYI Sunset Beach, Hawaii is technically part of a series (The Sierra Jensen series) but can be read as a stand alone. I've adored Sierra since her high school days. All her crushes and boyfriends through-out the years do not compare to Jordan.

 Jordan is just the most perfect person for our Sierra. It was so incredible to see her get her happy ending. This is an incredible story about love, friendships, adventure, and a new found love for God. I seriously recommend this story.

Here is the purchase link.

Have you read any of these books? Do you like to re-read and what are your favorite books to re-read?

I hope you take the time to just breathe today.

- Rebekah.

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