Sunday, September 26, 2021

Book review for, "Since You've Been Gone," by Tari Faris.


About the book: 

Leah Williams is back in the quaint town of Heritage, Michigan, and ready to try again to make her business a success. But blank slates are hard to come by, and a piece of her past is waiting for her there. Heir to the Heritage Fruits company, Jonathan Kensington is the guy who not only made Leah's past difficult, he also seems determined to complicate her present as well.

Jon is trying to prove to the Heritage Fruits board that he, not his manipulative uncle, should be running the business. The board insists Jon find a new owner for the building that will house Leah's business. To avoid forcing a buyout of Leah's part of the building, Jon strikes a compromise with Leah, and the two go into business together. With her vision and his know-how, it might work. And Leah might realize he's loved her since high school. If only he didn't keep on shooting himself in the foot by boxing her out of important decisions.

Sparks fly in this romantic story of two people who must learn to trust both each other and the one who called them to this journey.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

I was so excited to read Tari Faris's newest book because she always does such an amazing job. She writes quirky, fun and lovable characters. And her storylines are always top notch. 

 Since You've Been Gone is a story of two couples; four individuals struggling with their pasts, their faith, and romance. I was only expecting a story about Leah and Jon but Madison and Coby's story was just as lovely. I love when authors write in difficult tropes such as pregnancy, abuse and substance abuse. 

 Leah and Jon have a difficult past together. As in where one person thinks the other is bullying them but the person's words are actually just coming out all twisted... Yeah, Sounds like a slippery slope. But I loved seeing how they overcame these issues. Yes, they let them get in the way a lot of times, but in the end they learned how to forgive and trust. 

And their love story gave me all the butterflies. My favorite part of this book, of the whole series really is that the books aren't just romance. They are friendships. They are relationships with God. They are advice and inspiration. I love a book that gives a lesson.

I loved Madison's storyline. She's a girl who's been misunderstood her entire life. She was treated unfairly. And in turn it made her treat other's unfairly. But I loved her redemption story so much. She struggles with self worth. And when you're told your whole life you're not good enough you start to believe it. But I loved watching her love and be loved. Her realization that she is good enough, that she is worthy and wanted by a good Father was just heartwarming. And getting to see how Coby comes in to her life and remind her of all those things was incredible. 

I love the whole storyline about Leah and Jon re-opening Leah's grandparents' business. Because nothing says disaster like a man scorned and an angry woman going in to business together. Their arguments were oftentimes amusing and heartbreaking. Seriously, how can two people have so much miscommunication? I was just glad they always kiss and make up!

 I recommend this book for anyone looking to fall in love with a small town full of quirky characters, a good Jesus story and a guaranteed happily ever after.

Disclaimer: there are some pretty heavy kissing scenes but nothing else concerning. 

Purchase link

**I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. all thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.**

Question of the day: What book/series do you recommend for a good quirky town?

I hope you are having a lovely day. Don't forget to take a second to breathe. Even God rested.


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