Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Book review for, "The Healing of Natalie Curtis," by Jane Kirkpatrick

About the book:

Classically trained pianist and singer Natalie Curtis isolated herself for five years after a breakdown just before she was to debut with the New York Philharmonic. Guilt-ridden and songless, Natalie can't seem to recapture the joy music once brought her. In 1902, her brother invites her to join him in the West to search for healing. What she finds are songs she'd never before encountered--the haunting melodies, rhythms, and stories of Native Americans.

But their music is under attack. The US government's Code of Offenses prohibits American's indigenous people from singing, dancing, or speaking their own languages as the powers that be insist on assimilation. Natalie makes it her mission not only to document these songs before they disappear but to appeal to President Teddy Roosevelt himself, who is the only man with the power to repeal the unjust law. Will she succeed and step into a new song . . . and a new future?

Award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick weaves yet another lyrical tale based on a true story that will keep readers captivated to the very end.

My thoughts: 4/5 stars

The Healing of Natalie Curtis.

It's hit or miss with Jane Kirkpatrick for me. I either absolutely adore her story, or it's just not for me. But this one was luckily a hit! The Healing of Natalie Curtis was so interesting. I loved the characters and the story. Natalie's adventure caught my attention from the very first page.

One of my favorite things is history, so learning about the old west and the Indians was extremely fascinating to me.

Definitely recommend!

**I was given a free copy of this book from the publisher. A positive review was not required. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Take a deep breath today❤️


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