Saturday, August 25, 2018

Beneath a Prairie Moon by Kim Vogel Sawyer. (Book Review)

About the book:
Abigail Grant grew up in affluence and knows exactly how to behave in high society. But when she is cast from the social registers due to her father's illegal dealings, she finds herself forced into a role she never imagined: tutoring rough Kansas ranchers in the subjects of manners and morals so they can "marry up" with their mail-order brides. Mack Cleveland, whose Uncle was swindled by a mail-order bride, wants no part of the scheme to bring Eastern women to Spiveyville, Kansas, and he's put off by the snooty airs and fastidious behavior of the "little city gal" in their midst. But as time goes by, his heart goes out to the teacher who tries so diligently to smooth the rough edges from the down-to-earth men. How can he teach her that perfection won't bring happiness?

My thoughts:  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This book was A-MAZING!!!
I have wanted to read this book ever since Kim Vogel Sawyer started posting about it on her Facebook page. Every excerpt, every promotional post, every everything she posted had me drooling!
I was SO EXCITED when Netgalley had it up for request, I literally squealed with delight (I'm a delight squealer.) 
Can I move to Spiveyville?! I mean, the men there might have a rough exterior but they're soft teddy bears underneath. Well most of em anyway 😉
The men were so kind once Abigail and Mrs Bingham got to know them, and I absolutely loved how they rallied around the ladies when they needed them most.  Warmed my heart. ❤️ 
  And the scenes where Abigail would correct their Grammer but the men didn't understand was so hysterical! I LOL'd a lot!! 

  AND MACK!!! I LOVED HIM! I've added him to my book boyfriend list! 😉 He was so kind, so selfless, so... Respectable. He is someone you want on your side.
Despite his horseshoe-shaped-mustache, I adored him.
He was so sweet to Abigail, even when she didn't deserve it. I loved his Faith in God, his willingness to always be a friend. He was just truly amazing.

And Abigail. Stuck up and stiff on the outside, heartbroken and scared on the inside.
I sympathized and empathized with her so much. She didn't deserve what she got, but she got it. She was punished for mistakes not her own. And that made her the way she was. I loved her character devolopment throughout the book. She was an amazing character.

Mrs Bingham was an AWESOME no-nonsense  strong, kick-butt woman. One of my favorite characters! She was so funny, so able to adapt, so.. GREAT. I loved her!

Bottom line-- this book was hilarious, sweet, a little sad and all in all AMAZING!
I recommend it to EVERYONE. 
This book just gave me immense joy. 
Go grab your copy at

Or on Amazon

Before I go here's a little wisdom from the book.

"She’d tell me, ‘Mackintosh , there are always two ways to respond to people— the polite way and the rude way. No matter what others do, always choose the polite way. Then you’ll carry no regrets.’”

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