Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Secret of the Codex Melissa Frey (Book Review)

About the book:

  • Somewhere, buried deep underground, lies an ancient Secret... 

    When archaeology professor Kayla Harrington heads to Belize for the summer, she discovers a collection of Mayan hieroglyphs detailing stories of a powerful Secret. But when her colleague, Grady McGready, joins in the search, she begins to realize that there’s more to this secret—and to him—than she thought. 

    But secrets don’t stay hidden by chance… 

    As Kayla and Grady get closer to uncovering the Secret—and the power it promises—they, along with grad students Mandy and Justin, are thrust into the hands of a ruthless Clan determined to prevent the Secret from being released at all costs. Through deadly rainforests, raging rivers, and hidden passageways, the four embark on a journey to bring to light a Secret that has been hidden from the world for far too long.
    My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This book. Man. This. Book. 
It had me turning the pages late into the night. (well I suppose it would actually be swiping my finger! I had an e-book.)
  Secret of the Codex was thrilling, entertaining, romantic, SO EXCITING. 
I felt right along with the characters.
Oh and the characters!! I love them. Grady was so sweet to Kayla. Their relationship was so indescribably good. I love them.
 I also loved Mandy and Justin, a couple who had been together for so long they just forgot the magic of them. I loved seeing their love reblossom. 

  While this book wasn't exactly the kind of book I usually read, it was still really enjoyable. If you're a fan of archeology and mystery, then this book is for you.
If you're a fan of nonstop excitement and the possibility of the supernatural, then I recommend this for you.

There was some content I didn't like. Melissa had told me the book was "pretty clean," it was that "pretty" part I was a little concerned about. But it was pretty clean. There were two scenes where I was like, "Okay, please don't go any further!"
And it didn't. Which I was happy about.

For the readers who like to stick to Christian books, I wouldn't recommend Secret of the Codex. 

Secret of the Codex is actually releasing TODAY! So go grab your copy at Amazon

I'm not sure whether I should be scared or excited about the 2nd book. Probably a little bit of both! Haha😂😉

*I received an e-arc copy from the author, I was asked to give an honest review, all thoughts expressed are purely my own.*

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