Thursday, September 13, 2018

Not the Boss of Us, Kay Wills Wyma (Book Review)

  • My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    It orginally took me a bit to get into this book, I guess I just wasn't very inspired. But that all changed quickly!
    This book was so beautiful, and so, well, life changing. It has given me a new passion for life with Jesus and just being a kind person in general.
    Laced with some heartache, but joy in the midst of pain, this book was encouraging. I am completely in awe of how Kay Wyma puts overwhelmed in its place.
      I actually requested to review this book at a time when I was feeling overwhelmed, about book reviewing i
    This book was a reminder that people are just people. We all struggle with the same things. We have the same joys, hurts, expectations and Longing to belong  We all struggle with the same self worth issues and peer pressures.
  • in the after math of devastation, a battle cry has gone out and a line has been drawn in the sand, at least in our house. We're suck of Overwhelmed. Tired of it weighing down the people with whom we live life. Tired of it labeling people, then duping them into thinking all is okay only if or when. Worn out by the stress bombs that steal life and replace it with scrambling at best--isolation at worst. We say no more to stress induced  pressure laden Overwhelmed. It is not the boss of us. Every aspect of Overwhelmed, the big, the small, and all its sneaky attempts to steal peace and joy--has been put on notice. - Kay Wills Wyma.

    I urge you to put overwhelmed in its place and be overwhelmed by God and His truth.

    Prayerful yours,

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