Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Through the Pages (Blog Tour), Annie Twitchell (Book Review)

Through the Pages is on tour!
You can check out the launch post and the other stops Here! :)

About the book:

Spring will always follow Winter.
Misty doesn't know who she is. Nineteen years old, she's trapped inside who she has been, with no idea who she could be.

When she goes to Mill's End to take care of her stubborn, book-loving grandmother, she finds herself torn between past and present. The answer to who she is lies hidden in her grandmother's library. Her path to find herself takes her through the fading pages of dusty books and the memories of a woman who has lived a full life. It is up to Misty to write the final chapter to the dearest story of them all.

This first novel from Annie Louise Twitchell has been described as "stunning..." "a heartfelt story of finding yourself..."

My thoughts: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Annie. You. Have. Outdone. Yourself. 
 I can't even describe how much I love this book!!!! It is so amazing!!
It was beautiful and magical, and soulful, and just incredible.
 This was definitely my kind of book! I felt like God had put this book in my hands at just the right moment.
I loved the characters  Misty, Jeremiah, Gamma, and all of those other spectacular characters sprinkled in. They were so fun and quirky!

Misty had so much soul, so much potential for becoming an amazing person. I loved her character growth throughout the book. 

Jeremiah was a good character. Maybe a teensy bit too pushy at times  and he occasionally treated Misty like a child. But I guess sometimes she acted like a child. Hmmm. πŸ€”πŸ˜‚

Gamma was an incredible and very odd person. I definitely loved her love of books. A great character with a whole lot of soul! 

The only thing I didn't like about the book was some of the language. A few of the characters would say God's name in vain. But if you don't mind that than all is great. And it only happened a couple of times :)
But all in all this was a clean, deep, soulful, eye-opening book about finding yourself and your place in this world. It was so good. I adored it!! Absolutely stunning!! 

About the Author:

Annie Louise Twitchell is a homeschool graduate who is obsessed with dragons and fairy tales. She enjoys reading, writing, poetry, and many forms of art. When she’s not writing, she can often be found reading out loud to her cat, rabbit, and houseplants, or wandering barefoot in the area around her Western Maine home. In addition to seven published works, she has several poetry awards and pieces in four anthologies.

Facebook__Annie Louise Twitchell

If you're looking to buy Through the Pages, Annie has lowered the ebook price to $2.99 for the tour! Definitely go grab your copy now!! :)


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