Friday, October 26, 2018

A Sparkle of Silver by Liz Johnson. Revell Reads Blog Tour. (Book Review)

About the book:
Ninety years ago, Millie Sullivan's great-grandmother was a guest at oil tycoon Howard Dawkins' palatial estate on the shore of St. Simons Island, Georgia. Now, Millie plays a 1920s-era guest during tours of the same manor. But when her grandmother suggests that there is a lost diary containing the location of a hidden treasure on the estate, along with the true identity of Millie's great-grandfather, Millie sets out to find the truth of her heritage--and the fortune that might be hers. When security guard Ben Thornton discovers her snooping in the estate's private library, he threatens to have her fired. But her story seems almost too ludicrous to be fiction, and her offer to split the treasure is too tempting to pass up . . .

Get ready for a romantic escapade through dark halls and dusty corners that will have you holding your breath and sighing with delight as two charming characters get caught up in the adventure of uncovering the past and finding their way to an unexpected future.

My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This book was amazing!! I loved it!! 
I read most of it in one sitting and didn't have the will to write down any notes because I was too caught up in the story! So notes would have been nice,  now I'm just going off the cuff. 
This book was adventurous, exciting, breathtaking, inspiring and just really really good!! 

Millie was a great character. Funny, sweet, fiery are just a few adjectives to describe her. 
Although at one point I was ready to scream at her!!

Ben was great too! Funny, strong, not your typical hero type. It was fresh and new and I liked that.

I loved learning about the St. Simons Island  History is kind of my thing 😏

A time split novel, I really enjoyed how this book was written.
One world is told from journal entries from the 1920's, I loved learning about Georgia then!
I find history and the way of living 100's of years ago quite fascinating .

I also liked how the focus wasn't just on Millie. Ben had his own set of problems. I liked learning about both of their pasts.
And seeing them both grow from their mistakes.

"Yes ma'am." Millie's voice dipped into a thicker, deeper accent in those words every southern child knew. 

This is the where I first fell in love with this book! As a southern child, I laughed and laughed because it is literally SO TRUE! 😂😂

The humor in this book had me laughing and the adventure and romance had me up until 4 AM.
I definitely recommend this book!

Get your copy here.

❓Do you like humor to play a big part in the books you read?

**I was provided with a complimentary book in exchange for my honest review, all thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own**

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Silencing insecurity, Donna Gibbs (Book Review)

About the book:

Insecurity is easily the most pervasive struggle of women in America today. We have more ways than ever to compare ourselves to others--who are all prettier, thinner, smarter, more successful, and more put together than we are--and our sense of self-worth takes a serious beating on an almost daily basis. We're tired of simply commiserating with writers and bloggers who share their own struggles--we want real, workable solutions about how to find peace with ourselves.

This is what professional Christian counselor Donna Gibbs gives women with Silencing Insecurity. Drawing from her twenty years of experience counseling women, she exposes the many lies that produce insecurities in us starting from a young age, the result of letting those insecurities get the best of us, and, most importantly, the way out of insecurity--for good. Anyone who is tired of letting insecurity snatch away the joy from her life will welcome this practical and freeing book.

My thoughts: ⭐⭐

I'm going to be honest with you all, I did not finish this book.
I think Donna brought up a lot of good points, and there were definitely some encouraging insights, but this book it wasn't... I don't want to say bad, I guess it was too boring. Plain.
Maybe I'm just too young to enjoy it. Now don't get me wrong. That is one of the things I hate the most, being looked down upon for my age. One of my favorite Bible verses is,
  "Let no man despise you for your youth; but be thou an example of the Believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in Faith, in purity."

Jesus taught in the temple at age twelve. Now, I'm in no way saying I'm anything near Jesus, but you get my drift. Hopefully.

Anyway, now that I've veered quite a distance, let's get back to the book.

This book had some good parts, just too business like. Too technical. (I can't think of the word I'm looking for right now XD)

It had great reminders that other people's opinions can't define us. Maybe people have told you their negative opinions of you, and you've let that define you. (Guilty)
Or maybe they haven't told you. You just think you know what their saying. (Guilty of that too.)
You see their silent stares and wonder, "Are they judging me?"
You compare yourself to them, and you let yourself believe they are better. You feel inferior, but you let it slide because it's better than feeling superior. You'd never want to make someone feel the way you feel.
That inferiority then leads to sadness, hurt and even depression. Well guess what? That doesn't define you. Not. At. All.

    I will probably finish this book at another time, just not right now.
  I apologize if this post is too long. I get carried away because fighting insecurity and not letting things like opinions and mean words define us is what I'm passionate about. Thank you if you stuck it out to the end ❤️

As always I was asked for an honest review, all thoughts expressed are purely my own. Thank you to Revell for a free copy of Silencing Insecurity. 

If you do want to get your own copy of Silencing Insecurity, I've looked around for the best price. :) 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Light Before Day, Suzanne Woods Fisher (Book Review)

About the book:
After three years on a whaling voyage, Henry Macy returns to Nantucket to news that his grandmother has passed, bequeathing her vast fortune to him and his sister, Hitty. And it was truly vast. But Lillian Coffin was no fool. The inheritance comes with a steep cost, including when they should marry and whom--a Quaker in good standing, of course. But if they relinquish the inheritance, it all goes to Tristram Macy, their father's thieving business partner.

As Hitty and Henry seek a way to satisfy the will's conditions, they'll be faced with obstacles on every side--and it may be that Lillian Coffin will have the last word after all.

Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher surprises and delights with this story of hope and renewal, love and redemption, arriving just when most needed.

My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Happiness or wealth? Love or money? 
Those are questions Henry and Hitty are left to ponder after their grandmother's untimely death. 
Throughout the book Henry and Hitty are faced with trials, and questions, with no answers in sight, but the ultimate question is, Will they stick to their faith, and let the Light guide them through? 

I fell in love with these two characters in Minding the Light, the second book in the Nantucket Legacy series. 
I didn't get the chance to read the first one in the series. Long story short, by the time I had realized it was a series it was too late, I'd already gotten the book, and given my word for a review.  Yeah. That's me in a nutshell. 

I always feel as if I've learned a lot of new things after reading one of Suzanne's books. Her books are always so interesting, and fascinating! I'm learning things in the best kind of way! 
 I really enjoyed learning about Nantucket Island. I hope one day I can visit it, feel the history, and breathe it in like an autumn mist.

He'd had enough of coaxing a living from the sea. It was no wonder the sea was oft likened to a fickle woman. Men fell head over heels in love with her yet she loved none of them back. 

Get your copy of The Light Before Day here.

As always, I was asked to give my honest opinion, all thoughts expressed are purely my own.

Thank you to Revell for a free copy of The Light Before Day. :)

Here's a great Deal Suzanne is having.

You like what I thrifted?

I've gone thrifting a few times this month so here's some of my favorite finds from each trip!                                      ...