Monday, November 26, 2018

Hope Your Heart Needs, Holley Gerth (Book Review)

About the book:
Understanding more of God's character and how He loves us changed bestselling author Holley Gerth's life in beautiful, powerful ways. She realized that she didn't have to settle for "I'm fine" when there was Someone whispering to her in every moment, "You're Mine." The hope, joy, peace, and purpose she longed for were already there, in the heart of God.

Now in 52 devotional readings, Holley shares with women the answer to the restlessness they feel in their hearts that keeps them hurrying, striving, pushing. She shows them that "the God who scattered stars like diamonds across the velvet of the universe, the keeper of every sparrow, the maker of us all, is inviting us to draw closer to Him. He is the place where our hearts can go on the hard days and the happy ones, in the highs and lows, when we are sad or frustrated or downright giddy. He is what we've been searching for all along."

My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Okay, so I didn't actually finish this book. Not for its lack of greatness, because it was really good, but because I kinda forgot about reading the book, and then after a long time after I received the book I'm like
 "Oh my gosh! I need to write a review!!"

    I had a lot of notes from what I did read, I basically had my whole review written on paper, and they seem to have disappeared.
So, in advance, I'm terribly sorry for this review being so... Bleh.
Also, I am so, so sorry to Revell for not getting a review up sooner.
So without further ado, my thoughts on the book.

    Holley brought up some very interesting and encouraging points. I was very inspired.
She definitely has a talent of reaching out to women's hearts.
    She talked about the things people are afraid to talk about. She's not afraid to call out the wrong and set it right.
  Holley has an amazing writing style.
I love how she can take simple, everyday things and it turn it into this grand example of how to live for Jesus.
    Holley you are truly amazing!!

"He was there before we were created. He spoke the world into being. As the Lightbringer, Star-scatterer, and Breather of life into the first man's lungs.
He will be there long after we're gone, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. He is the God of the past, present, and future. Ours and all of history's."

I will most definitely be finishing this book, it was seriously sooo good!!!
I definitely recommend this book!!

    As always, I looked around a bit to find the best price, and CBD  won this time!!

   Thank you so much to Revell for a free copy of Hope Your Heart Needs. I was asked for an honest review, all thoughts expressed are purely my own.

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