Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The MISSadventure Brides Collection, (Book Review)


Love Is One of Life’s Greatest Adventures
Seven daring damsels don’t let the norms of their eras hold them back. Along the way these women attract the attention of men who admire their bravery and determination, but will they let love grow out of the adventures?

Along the Yellowstone River by Debby Lee
1832 Montana
Heather Duncan takes over her father’s fur trapping business, believing it’s an opportunity to also gain knowledge of medicinal plants, but a growing sympathy for animals and blossoming adoration for a rugged mountain man capture her heart.

My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐

I thought the story line progressed a little early.
It's one of my biggest pet peeves, which is why I don't care for novellas all that much.

  I admired Louie's unwavering faith that God is good.
I know so many people suffer because they have a hard time trusting God is ultimately good, even if our circumstances aren't.
  But Louie refused to let anyone or anything alter his Faith in Christ.

 This book was odd. It annoyed me that at one point, Heather wasn't allowed in a room alone with one guy, but she went camping with another she met a week ago out in the middle of nowhere. 🤔🤔

Also, what's with Louie? He can be fine one second and have a raging fever and fearing for his life in another second?

 While Louie was really, very, sweet, he was too prim and proper, too perfect. A goody two shoes. I'm sorry to say I won't be adding him to my book boyfriend list 😕

  I didn't like how Louie was always right. Like, Heather wasn't a mindless, meek, whimpering, stupid little girl.

  Heather said that she liked learning about all this Bible stuff, but it made her feel vulnerable too. Do you feel vulnerable when trusting God? How does that make you feel?

MissTaken Identity by Kimberley Woodhouse
1883 Texas
Headstrong, bubbly, accident-prone Abigail Monroe is on a quest for adventure away from society’s expectations. But her pursuits are unexpectedly thwarted when she is arrested by a handsome Texas Ranger.

  My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This story is the whole reason I requested this book.
Wrongfully accused of a crime, disguised as a boy, Abigail Monroe is thrown in jail by a handsome Texas Ranger, who believes her name is Chuck Miller.

No matter how hard clumsy Abigail tries to convince the ranger she's innocent, some how evidence keeps popping up that puts Abigail in a deeper pit.

  Abigail's spit fire, stubborn ways were very amusing, well not to Jim. But it was funny to watch him get frustrated with her. 😂   Watch him? I mean, read about him getting frustrated.

 I loved both Jim and Abigail. Both super stubborn and strong.

Lesson of Love by Cynthia Hickey
1885 Arkansas
City girl, Leah Ellison has big dreams but soon finds out that teaching in a backwards Ozark mountain community is far different than what she’d imagined.

My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Leah Ellison, a fragile, fancy, young lady who smells of sunshine and roses.
Proved to be a fiery, strong woman by the end of the story.

Luke Canfield, a sweet character.
And not just because he shares a name with my sweet kitten.

  Leah's tendency to be extremely blunt raised a few eyebrows and extracted a few good laughs.

Luke has sworn off women, he's not sure what to do when the most beautiful woman on the mountain (his words not mine), takes a special liking to him. She's pure spit fire and fiery, Luke's not sure if he should run away, or to her.

Some things felt rushed.
I didn't much care for Cynthia's writing style.
I didn't hate it, I just prefer a different reader/writer relationship.
There were some really cute scenes.
Leah and Luke are really an adorable couple

  Overall a very cute and sweet story with a good amount of depth.

Maddy’s Llamas by Marjorie Vawter
1898 Colorado
In spite of Maddy’s “missadventures” raising her llamas for their wool and strictly-by-the-book Harry’s attempts to get her to do things “right,” they learn to work together and find love in the laughter.

My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Maddy, described as eccentric, maybe even a little crazy, was a very amusing and ambitious character.
I loved her!

  The story line was good, the writing style not too shabby.
I liked both Maddy and Harry.
And the odd Llamas😂

  A “rancheress”, not many people approve of Maddy's chosen line of profession.
Described as odd, eccentric, she doesn't have many friends.

  Her parents love for her is conditional, they've expressed their disapproval for her quite boldly. making Maddy feel lonely and hold people at arms length. That is except Aunt Susie, who isn't actually related by blood.

  The uncanny attachment Maddy's favorite Llama, Betta, has to Harry, angers and unnerves her. But it made me laugh, sorry Maddy 😂😂 And now I'm talking to fictional characters..

Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure by Mary Davis
1903 cross-country trip
Zola Calkin sets out on an adventure to be the first woman to drive across the country. Will the journalist tasked to report her presumed failure sabotage her efforts? Or will he steal her heart?

My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Zola was inspiring.
A voice for the women who were too afraid to speak out.
She was bold, stubborn and fiery. My kinda character!

  Allen angered me quite a lot.
Believing women incapable of a simple a task as changing a tire

   Zola and her cousin Vivian knew more about car engines than Allen or his dopey photographer

  Even though this story is only fiction, I found myself rooting for these amazing ladies.
I went off in my head quite a few times to the pigheaded, sexist men who dare cross these women

  I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

  Even when men did their best to sabatoge their efforts, the women persevered

   I appreciated the character growth on all of their parts, but especially on Allen's.

Detours of the Heart by Donna Schlachter
1925 New Mexico
A tour guide who wants to move on and a playboy who’s never had a place to call home—can they overcome their own plans and allow God to make their path straight, or will they take yet another detour?

   My thoughts: ⭐⭐⭐
Peter believes Millie is a flighty, flimsy actress.
But on the contrary, Millie is a focused and determined young woman fleeing an abusive past.
She has more character and depth than she is given credit for. She contains more strength than she knows

   Peter is kindhearted, his heart is in the right place most of the time.

  I didn't really ship Peter and Millie. They were too different and I didn't feel they connected well.

 An aspiring preacher, Peter falls fast and hard for Millie, but knows anything romantic between them would die a sorrowful death.

For Millie it's California or bust.
Can an actress and man of the cloth really navigate the path of love successfully?

   Peter accused Millie of not knowing Christ, but I think he needed to look at his own self and get to know Christ a little more.

Millie believes she has her whole life planned out- go to Hollywood, get rich and famous, live the rest of her life in comfort.

What she doesn't plan for is a too good looking, roguish man who claims to be "In like with her."

Millie was quite a bit selfish
"The moral of the story is that sometimes what scares us the most is meant to help us."

Riders of the Painted Star by Kathleen E. Kovach
1936 Arizona
Zadie Fitzpatrick, an artist from New York, is commissioned to go on location in Arizona to paint illustrations for an author of western novels and falls for the male model.

My thoughts:⭐⭐⭐

Royce Retger and Zadie Fitzpatrick.
This novella was like none other I've read. Royce is a male model pretending to be a seasoned cowboy.

Royce's mishaps, mistakes and slip ups proved to be very amusing.

Zadie was a fun and lively character. She had strength and confidence oozing out of her ears.

  Royce Retger has a lot of forgiving to do but that doesn't stop him from falling head over boots (points if you get my song reference 😉) in love with Zadie.

  The story line was good. And the writing was very good.

  I think it's just that I really want a break from reading, but this story didn't capture my attention nor my heart.
 It wasn't exceptional but it really wasn't bad.

Here are the links you're looking to purchase this amazing novella collection!
Amazon  and Christian Books.Com
**I received an ecopy of this book from one of the authors in exchange for my honest review.  All thoughts and opinions are purely by own. **

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