Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Heart of King, Jill Eileen Smith, blog tour. (Book Review)

About the book:

  King Solomon could-- and did-- have anything he wanted, including many women from many lands. But for all of his wealth and wisdom, did he or the women he loved ever find what they were searching for?

 In this engrossing novel, find yourself whisked away to ancient Israel, where you'll meet four remarkable women: Naamah the desert princess, Abishag the shepardess, Siti the daughter of a pharoah, and Nicaula the queen of Sheba.
 As you experience the world of Solomon through his eyes and theirs, you'll grapple with whether this king's storied wisdom ultimately benefited him and those he loved... or betrayed them.

My thoughts: 2/5 stars.

 I was very intrigued by this story in the beginning.
 King Solomon was a very layered man. Reading this book gives you insight and perspective into this wise king.

I was very pleased by how close to the real story this book was.
 I have been reading about Solomon lately and this book gave me perspective.

However, I did not enjoy this book very much. The imagined personalities of the first three wives were terrible.

  Naamah was selfish, whiney and a brat.
   And Abishag was way too focused on stealing another girl's guy.
 Siti was completely full of herself and totally unlikeable.

 The writing was very good though. Smith really does have a talent with words.

  I had some conflict with content. 
   There were a lot of mentions of sex without directly saying it.
 I did not want to invite those thoughts into my head.

 I found the book boring and slow.

 All of these things ultimately made me decide not to finish the book.

 I'm definitely NOT giving up on Jill Eileen Smith.

 I loved her nonfiction book, When Life Doesn't Match Your Dreams,  which I reviewed just a little while ago.

 I will be reading more books by Jill Eileen Smith, this book just wasn't for me.

If you're interested in purchasing The Heart of a King Christian Books.Com has it on sale now!


**I was given a free copy of this book from the publisher  in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

1 comment:

  1. I think yours is the first I have heard of that has a negative review. I will have to keep it in mind, fairly of course.


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