Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wooing Cadie McCaffrey, Bethany Turner; Revell blog tour + Review.

About the book:
After four years with her boyfriend, Cadie McCaffrey is thinking of ending things. Convinced Will doesn't love her in the "forever" way she loves him, Cadie believes it's time for her to let him go before life passes her by. When a misunderstanding leads to a mistake, leaving her hurt, disappointed, and full of regret, she finally sends him packing.

But for Will, the end of their relationship is only the beginning of his quest to figure out how to be the man Cadie wanted him to be. With the dubious guidance of his former pro-athlete work friends and tactics drawn from Cadie's favorite romantic comedies, Will attempts to win her back. It's a foolproof plan. What could possibly go wrong?

Bethany Turner is back with more of the heart and humor readers love. Anyone who enjoys a good romance or binges romantic comedies on Netflix will devour this delightful story.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

Ummmm... so I really, really loved this book!!
I fell in LOVE on the first page!!

The adorable, witty banter between Will and Cadie made my heart swoon!

Will wasn't the only one wooing. No, Bethany Turner wooed my heart with her words until all of my soul belonged to her.

 Her words are poetic, yet simple. Awe striking in a way you don't even know hit you!

 The characters, the story, it was alllll amazing!!

 Will, ohh Will. Beautiful, flawsome, hilarious Will. 
 He was so clueless, so adorable, so sweet, that you couldn't help but adore him!

 Cadie was funny, kind, strong, and maybe just a little bit hard on Will.

 I looove them!!

   This book was flawfully, perfect in every way, except... there was a sex scene.
 Hear me out though.

 Two characters had always striven for purity from the beginning of their relationship. They made a mistake.

 The scene was not explicit.
   The action was deeply regretted by both characters.

 The scene's purpose was more of why you shouldn't have sex before marriage, than anything of an unclean nature.

 There were some intense kissing scenes throughout the book.

 Wooding Cadie McCaffrey was a little predictable, but still totally adorable while simultaneously being totally heart touching.

It was heartwarming, and sweet, and cute and beautiful and sweet and cute and sweet and... You get it.

I'm so in love with this story!!

I 100% recommend grabbing this book NOW!!

**Thanks so much to Revell for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

-Rebekah ❤️

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