Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pursued: A Testimony of God's Relentless Love, Felisa B. Jack. (Book Review)

About the book:

Shame covers your situation like a blanket, trapping and suffocating you. Your mind meditates on the question, "How can my circumstances ever change?" The answer is God's relentless love pursuing YOU! He loves you AND He can do something about your situation if you allow Him. Pursued is a powerful and transparent testimony of Felisa Jack's experience living in a domestic violence relationship that put both her and her son's life in grave danger. She shares how God was pursuing her during this difficult time; strengthening and encouraging her to walk out of that destructive relationship. Walking with her through her story will restore hope and faith in your life as well as open your eyes to see the ways God is pursuing you with His relentless love. 

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

  "Pursued" is a small yet ferocious story. 

The story of Felisa Jack is a sad, heartbreaking one, but with God Felisa teaches that you can have a happy ending. 

Felisa was a woman who longed for what every human longs for- love. To be loved. Cherished. Wanted. 
 She thought she'd found that in Michael. 

 Turns out Michael was just like the monsters in the Scooby Doo cartoons her son watched- destruction hiding behind a mask. 

What was once a fairytale turned into blood and bruises. Lies and hurts. 

 Felisa thought she was going to die. But God had other plans. 

 "God took everything that the devil meant for harm and turned it
around for my good."

This little book kicks Satan to the curb and reminds each and every person who reads it just how loved they are.

If you've ever been/ are in an abusive relationship, one, I encourage you to seek help. You do not need to stay. You are better than the lies your abuser tells you. And most importantly, God does not want you there. He loves you and wants to keep you safe. Trust Him.

Two, this book is for you.
 This book will remind you that you are so much more than the abuse. Pursued will remind you or maybe introduce you to the love of Christ.

I highly recommend this book.

**I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

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