Saturday, June 8, 2019

Weddings, Willows and Revised Expectations, V. Joy Palmer. (Book Review)

About the book:

 Seventeen years after being orphaned, Apryl Burns and her twin sister Courtney have their own expectations for life. While Courtney continues to shine at everything, Apryl holds fast to the mantra that as long as her potato chip stash remains intact, then she’ll be fine.

But when their beloved grandmother ends up injured and unable to manage her struggling antique store, Courtney makes it their mission to revamp the business and save what’s left of their family’s legacy. Despite rampant doubts in her abilities, Apryl finds herself trapped under the weight of family loyalty as they transition to a wedding venue decorating service. Soon she’s forced to ask (translation: blackmail) their grandmother’s renter/handyman, Chance McFarland, for help, an arrangement that is made even worse by the fact that Chance is her former (ahem, and current) crush.

Chance knows a few dozen things about family loyalty, which is why he begrudgingly agrees to Apryl’s insane plan. While Apryl claims they’re archenemies, the girl Chance only glimpsed in their teens starts to emerge, stealing what remains of his heart. 

But expectations are a powerful thing. Amidst the glamorous weddings and swaying willows, can those old expectations be revised into something new?

My thoughts: 5/5 stars. Wow.  I am struggling to find the words to best describe this book.
 It was BEYOND good. Like, seriously. WOW.

 Apryl and Chance are phenomenal characters. 

My heart broke for Apryl as she struggled with insecurities, and as she played the comparison game with her sister.
 I related to her so much, and I felt like this fictional character got me.

 Her character's growth probably made me the most happy and proud throughout the book. She changed so much when she finally allowed herself to see her value. 

 Chance grew and changed as well. From the jerk that enjoyed picking on Apryl, to the kind hearted gentleman who grew to love Apryl. Well, they still picked in each other, but that's half the fun. 😉

 The story line was AMAZING. The writing--oh-my-word-incredible.

 I honestly can't describe how much this book touched my heart. It changed my heart for God and life and made me realize my value in my God in a way I've never seen it before. 

 I cannot thank V. Joy Palmer enough for writing this book that truly changed my life, made me laugh hard and caused my heart to swoon.
 So thank you, for the Gilmore Girls quotes, and for turning my heart to Christ's and truly making me realize my worth. 

 The faith these characters have is inspiring  encouraging and a reflection of the author herself. 

 Palmer writes with humor, (Did I mention I was laughing hysterically?) faith and characters... of a different kind. 

I absolutely, 1000% recommend getting this book! Weddings, Willows and Revised Expectations will make you laugh, your heart swoon, and definitely refresh your love for Christ. Or lead you to Him, one or the other. 😊

*I received a free copy of this book from the author, I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.*


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