Monday, August 12, 2019

The Killing Tide by Dani Pettrey. (Book Review)

About the book:
When one Coast Guard officer is found dead and another goes missing, Coast Guard Investigative Service special agent Finn Walker faces his most dangerous crime yet. His only clues are what little evidence remains aboard the dead officer's boat, and the direction the clues point to will test Finn and the Guard to their limits.

When investigative reporter--and Finn's boss's sister--Gabby Rowley arrives, her unrelenting questions complicate an already volatile situation. Now that she's back, the tug on Finn's heart is strong, but with the risks she's taking for her next big story, he fears she might not live through it.

Thrown together by the heinous crime, Finn and Gabby can't ignore the sparks or judgments flying between them. But will they be able to see past their preconceptions long enough to track down an elusive killer, or will they become his next mark?

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

 Whoa. Buddy. This book was incredible.
From the first page my heart was racing and I don't think it stopped racing throughout the entirety of the book.

Whether it was a gun fight, or a hot chase, or the sweetest little moments where I asked, "Are you going to kiss her yet?" I don't think my heart calmed down at all during the story.

I'm not usually totally satisfied by suspense novels but this one did the trick.
The suspense was grueling, (in the best sort of way,) and it was not overpowered by the romance and Christian themes. They were all balanced perfectly.

Now the short chapters irritated me and I didn't appreciate the constant jumps in POVs but it's something I can live with.

The story line was incredible. The characters were amazingly built.
The character growth for both Finn and Gabby was truly satisfying.
Not only their growth as individuals, but in their relationship.

They dated back in the day or almost started dating or something, but the feelings were there, as evidence by their inability to stay away from each other.

Their relationship was very pleasing, though there were times I wanted to slap them both on the head. Especially Finn. But then again, especially Gabby. XD

I personally would prefer a heavier Christian theme but I know a lot of people prefer it to be at a minimum. I think there was good balance between the two.

    I can't say say enough about the suspenseful moments. The mystery had me never wanting to stop reading.

Hearts and lives were on the line throughout the whole book and it had my heart racing probably above a healthy level.

By the end of the story I was speechless
  It pained me because I knew I'd never be able to get out the words to explain how  friggen awesome this book was!!


Grab your copy now!

**I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

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