Monday, August 5, 2019

The Express Bride, Kimberley Woodhouse. (Book Review)

About the book:

The Wilderness Is a Great Place to Hide

Jacqueline Rivers manages a Pony Express station in 1860 Utah territory after her father’s death. There are daily stresses placed on her in this unconventional role—and now a government official is asking her to sniff out counterfeiters. When Elijah Johnson passes through on the stage while on an exhausting quest to find his boss’s heir, he doesn’t want to leave the beguiling station manager. In fact, he may never leave when caught in the crossfire of the territory’s criminal activities. Jackie can’t decide if Elijah is friend or foe. Can she remain strong when secrets of the past and present are finally unearthed?

Join the adventure as the Daughters of the Mayflower series continues with The Express Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse.

My thoughts: 5/5

There's something about Woodhouse's books that make me fall in love with storytelling all over again.
The way she researches everything to perfect detail just so it can be accurate for the readers. 
The way she explores her characters and finds their deepest vulnerabilities so we can connect to them. 

Mrs. Woodhouse inspires me to do the same. 
  She's a dedicated author, one whom I'm proud to be reviewing for.

I adored the book from the beginning. Starting with a heart racing escape, I knew this book was bound for adventure.

My assumption was correct.

Criminals and spies and treasure hunts filled this book, but did not cloud the romance and friendships and the faith stories! Rather, they were all ingredients to a special recipe.

  Learning about the Pony Express was truly a treat. I have admired the endeavor for awhile and was so excited to learn the Express Bride focused on a woman running a way station.

It was incredible to be able to read about the riders and their experiences, (though I'm sure a few were exaggerated. ;) )

  Woodhouse has a way of placing you in the scene--I love her descriptions. Both of people and scenes.

Though at times I felt some story lines could have been expounded upon more. I felt like they were rushed in a hurry to end the book and were resolved too quickly.

But overall the major storyline ran throughout the book and I didn't have any problems with it.

I thoroughly enjoyed Jackie and Elijah's story of redemption; their willingness to find out the past, but move on with the future; and their deep ability to love.

I close this book with a sigh and a thank you to the author for this beautiful story.

I will cherish it always.


I highly recommend you grab The Express Bride now!

**I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

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