Thursday, April 22, 2021

Book review for "Endless Mercy," by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse.


**if you haven't read the first in the series and are planning to, there are spoilers in the synopsis ⬇️**

About the book:

Madysen Powell has always been a forgiving person, but when her supposedly dead father shows up in Nome, Alaska, her gift for forgiveness is tested. With the recent loss of her mother, she searches for answers, leaning on Granny Beaufort, a neighbor in town, who listens with a kind heart. Still, Madysen is restless and dreams of performing her music around the world. The arrival of a traveling show could prove just the chance she needs, and the manager promises more than she ever dreamed.

Daniel Beaufort arrives in Nome, searching for his own answers after the gold rush leaves him with only empty pockets. Still angry about the death of his loved ones, he longs to start fresh but doesn't have high hopes until he ends up helping at the Powell dairy making cheese. Drawn to the beautiful redhead with big dreams, will deceptions from the past tear apart any hope for the future?

My thoughts: 5/5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Let me start off by saying THIS WAS SO GOOD! 

I related so much to the characters, especially Daniel in his struggle with his relationship with the Lord. At one point in the book Daniel asks himself, "Why can't I be happy?" He feels so cynical about life and happiness. He doesn't truly know when his heart became so hardened. 

All my life I've been a bubbly, joyful person. But for some time now I've noticed these same qualities in Daniel, in myself. And neither of us want them. But thanks to this story I do feel so much closer to God and where I want to be. 

Then there's Madyen. Dealing with a plethora of hurt and anger. Especially towards her father. She's always been the forgiving type. She extends endless amounts of mercy, but does that length include her father? She struggles with feeling cared for and wanted, even while being surrounded by the people she loves the most. 

Like I said, I felt so connected to this group of people dealing with so many diverse but equally important issues. 

"For the first time her two worlds seemed to collide. The world where she lived and breathed, and the world of her dreams. She couldn't have both. She couldn't stay here with her family and sheep and travel and perform."

Not only is Maddy dealing with her forgiveness issues, she's come to a crossroads in her life. She wants a full and exciting life. But she's also terrified to be separated from her family. And all I can say is, I feel ya, babe. 

One thing I absolutely loved and adored about Maddy was how vivacious and cheery she was. Through everything she remained inspiringly full of joy.  Daniel and Maddy's love story had some difficulties for sure, but overall they had a sweet, humor filled relationship. It felt like a breath of fresh air. 

 Of course I learned so much from this story. Peterson and Woodhouse's novels always feel like a history lesson from the cool teacher. Honestly, the learning is one of my favorite parts about reading their books! 

  I've said it before and I'll say it again- Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse know how to give a lesson in faith. Something I know to be a beautiful tribute to their own relationships with our heavenly Father. 

Reading their stories is always a gift from the Lord. It's like He's looking down at me and winking, saying, "Have I got a story for you!"                               Without fail I always find myself battling the same issues and heartaches, in some form or another, as as the new characters I meet. And I always leave the story for the better. Closer to my God and to healing. I will always find their books a blessing and a comfort. 

One of my favorite quotes:

"Like I said, I'm no theologian" - John leaned down to let his horse's neck- "but it seems to me that God needs us to show the people around us what a difference having a relationship with Him makes when we face the same hardships they do."

 I have to share a trigger warning. There is a sexual assault in this book. I know how traumatizing it can be to have absolutely no warning about it and just come across it. So please keep that in consideration.

As always, it's been lovely sharing my thoughts with you guys! I hope you do something today that's good for your mental health. 

Love, Rebekah. 

**I was given a free copy of this book from the author and exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review.**

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