Friday, June 25, 2021

Book review for, "A Lady in Attendance," by Rachel Fordham


About the book:

Five years in a New York state reformatory have left a blemish on Hazel's real name. So when she takes a job as Doctor Gilbert Watts's lady in attendance in 1898, she does so under an alias. In the presence of her quiet and pious employer, Hazel finds more than an income. She finds a friend and a hope that if she can set her tarnished past in order, she might have a future after all.

As Gilbert becomes accustomed to the pleasant chatter of his new dental assistant, he can't help but sense something secretive about her. Perhaps there is more to this woman than meets the eye. Can the questions that loom between them ever be answered? Or will the deeds of days gone by forever rob the future of its possibilities?

Rachel Fordham pens a tender tale of a soft-spoken man, a hardened woman, and the friends that stand by them as they work toward a common purpose--to expunge the record of someone society deemed beyond saving--and perhaps find love along the way.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

I absolutely love Rachel Fordham's books. I love that she goes out of the norm. Instead of the perfectly symmetrical, no flaws characters you so often find, she writes completely original characters. Which I think makes her stories so much more relatable and realistic.
 I have to admit, I was slightly weary to start this story. Gilbert isn't your usual hero. And I do love me a good hero. But I fell so in love with this guy!
   He was so caring and sweet. He instantly had my heart. He's a quiet, gentle protector. And I think those types of heros are so important and underrated.

(also I'm afraid of going to the dentist and I think that should be noted. LOL😂)

As for Hazel, I quickly fell in love with her as well. I loved that even as a woman of the late 1800s she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself. I love, love, love characters with a complicated back story. I adore seeing their growth from the person they once were. And Hazel had major, and satisfying growth.

 I loved the gentle love story, of not only lovers but of friends.

A Lady in Attendance is filled with sweet friendships, quick wit and near kisses. I truly never wanted it to end.

I look forward to more of Rachel Fordham's books!

 Here is the Purchase link for anyone interested! :) 
 And here is the author's Website!

**I was given a free copy of the book by the publisher. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.**

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