Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Book review for, "The Healing of Natalie Curtis," by Jane Kirkpatrick

About the book:

Classically trained pianist and singer Natalie Curtis isolated herself for five years after a breakdown just before she was to debut with the New York Philharmonic. Guilt-ridden and songless, Natalie can't seem to recapture the joy music once brought her. In 1902, her brother invites her to join him in the West to search for healing. What she finds are songs she'd never before encountered--the haunting melodies, rhythms, and stories of Native Americans.

But their music is under attack. The US government's Code of Offenses prohibits American's indigenous people from singing, dancing, or speaking their own languages as the powers that be insist on assimilation. Natalie makes it her mission not only to document these songs before they disappear but to appeal to President Teddy Roosevelt himself, who is the only man with the power to repeal the unjust law. Will she succeed and step into a new song . . . and a new future?

Award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick weaves yet another lyrical tale based on a true story that will keep readers captivated to the very end.

My thoughts: 4/5 stars

The Healing of Natalie Curtis.

It's hit or miss with Jane Kirkpatrick for me. I either absolutely adore her story, or it's just not for me. But this one was luckily a hit! The Healing of Natalie Curtis was so interesting. I loved the characters and the story. Natalie's adventure caught my attention from the very first page.

One of my favorite things is history, so learning about the old west and the Indians was extremely fascinating to me.

Definitely recommend!

**I was given a free copy of this book from the publisher. A positive review was not required. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Take a deep breath today❤️


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Book review for, "A Deep Divide," by Kimberley Woodhouse

About the book:

After being kidnapped as a child, heiress Emma Grace McMurray has seen firsthand the devastation that greed causes in the world, and she wants nothing to do with it--including her father's offering her hand in a business deal. She sneaks away to be a Harvey Girl at the El Tovar Grand Canyon Hotel, planning to stay hidden even if it means always looking over her shoulder.

Ray Watkins arrives at the hotel wanting to impress his father by finding success on his own. Then maybe he can take on more of the family business and do something good with the profits.

Ray immediately admires Emma Grace, and though a friendship forms, she's afraid he's just like every other wealthy man she's known. Then art and jewels go missing from El Tovar and the nearby Hopi House, a mystery that pulls them in and stirs up their worst fears. When shocking revelations come to light, they'll have to question all they thought to be true.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

Reading a Kimberley Woodhouse novel is like getting a history lesson. Except history is your favorite subject and it's taught by your favorite teacher.

I love every story Woodhouse has told. There's always a lovely cast of characters and a riveting story line. She always includes action, love and faith. And honestly, can you get much better than that? 
  My heart went out so much for Emma Grace. At one point I had to set the book down and I told my sister I was done (I obviously wasn't) because of the hurt she had to endure. The hurt inflicted on her by the men who were supposed to protect her.  But with grace she rose above it all and became someone to be proud of. 

  I truly loved Ray as well. The way he was so confident until it came to Miss McMurray was adorable. He had so much growth and I really enjoyed seeing it. 

 The story kept me on my toes for sure. I loved the mystery of the whole thing. It had me turning the pages until sadly I came to the end. I feel as if I never get enough of Woodhouse’s books! 

 I was so happy to hear that this book was a Harvey House girl, it's a storyline I would love to see more of! Learning about the El Tovar and the Grand Canyon was incredible. And I know Woodhouse has visited the places she writes about so I felt as though I was there. One day I'm definitely going to visit. 

Also I may have left this book with many opened tabs on the Grand Canyon, the El Tovar and the Kolb brothers. Seriously if you check this book out definitely listen to the authors note and check this stuff out. It's so interesting!! 

I mean look at that!! If you want to know more about the two men in that photo than I highly recommend checking out A Deep Divide!

  I never leave a Woodhouse novel without feeling encouraged in my faith. No matter what, God always uses her books to help me in my season of faith. Somehow I'm always going through something similar as one of the characters... Gotta be a God thing. But it's by far my favorite thing about reading these books!!

About the author:

Kimberley Woodhouse is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than twenty-five books. A lover of history and research, she often gets sucked into the past and then her husband has to lure her out with chocolate and the promise of eighteen holes on the golf course. She loves music, kayaking, and her family. Her books have been awarded the Carol Award, Holt Medallion, Reader's Choice Award, Selah Award, Spur Award, and others. A popular speaker/teacher, she's shared with over 1,000,000 people at more than twenty-five hundred venues across the country. Married to the love of her life for three decades, she lives and writes in the Poconos where she's traded in her hat of "craziest mom" for "coolest grandma." Connect with Kim at

**I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher. I was in no way required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

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