Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Book review for "Ever Constant," by Kimberley Woodhouse and Tracie Peterson

 About the book:

On the surface, Whitney Powell is happy working with her sled dogs and welcoming the new additions to her family through her sisters' marriages and an upcoming birth. But her life is full of complications, including an estranged father, that have her on the edge of losing control. Growing up, she was the strong sister, and she can't give that up now.

When some villagers in outlying areas come down with a horrible sickness, Dr. Peter Cameron turns to Whitney and her dogs for help navigating the deep snow, and they become close traveling to minister to the sick together. Peter quickly recognizes her finer qualities but also notices her troubling way of coping with her struggles. He does what he can to help but questions if she is more of a risk than his heart can take.

As sickness spreads throughout Nome and another man courts Whitney, she and Peter will discover that sometimes it is only in weakness that you can find strength.

My thoughts: 5/5
  Contains spoilers from Forever Hidden and Endless Mercy.

The last story in the Powell sisters trilogy was everything I expected and more.

   One of the reasons I adore Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse' writing is their ability to tackle tough subjects. They're never afraid to speak up about controversial and taboo subjects. And in Whitney's story those are alcoholism, anxiety and grief.

   Leading up from Havyn and Madysen's stories Whitney finds herself stuck in some super unhealthy cycles. She finds herself dealing with hatred and anger. She's struggling to heal from her mother and grandfather's passing. As well as accepting that her father is back in her life. And on top of all of that she feels far away from God. Much of the book Whitney feels helpless. No matter how hard she tries she can't find her way back to the loving older sister she used to be. She feels left behind and honestly broken.
   Whitney deals with a lot of things I can relate to. I know many of us struggle from anxiety, broken relationships, grief. And maybe even like our heroine you're dealing with addiction. I love all the themes of grace and forgiveness in Ever Constant. Because it really brought me a lot of hope. 

     Whitney's difficult relationship with God reminded me of my own. But her constant battle to fix that relationship and to work harder at it was very encouraging to me. It seems whenever I pick up a Peterson/Woodhouse novel I'm somehow always struggling in almost the exact same way the main character is. I call that a God thing. I always receive such a huge blessing from these authors and their stories. Whether individual or co-written, I highly recommend any and every book by these authors. 

  Thank  you so much for stopping and taking the time to read my thoughts on Ever Constant. Be sure to pick up your copy here.

As always I hope y'all are having a fantastic day. Remember to take some time to rest today.
**I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was in no way required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

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