Saturday, October 15, 2022

Thrift Haul!


Thrift haul

I recently did a poll on my Instagram to see what people would be interested in seeing. And thrift hauls was something that a lot of people wanted to see. So, here we go. My most recent haul!

 The first thing I picked up was obviously books. I grabbed this little Roundtree Woman book at my first stop. It didn't have a description but I liked the name and it was 50c so I went ahead and took the chance that it'll be good. And the Gossip Girl book because my sister-in-law really enjoyed the show.


Then, at the same thrift shop they had a free book basket. So of course I grabbed up these Hardy Boy books. And some kids books to keep around for my nieces!

Onto my next stop, I found the cutest little flower shop themed cookie jar. Which I haven't shared yet but I've started collecting! And it fit perfectly with my others. Plus a bonus, the whole store was half off.  So I got this cutie for $3 bucks!

Then at the same store I found the cutest picture frames ever. In case you don't know I'm currently trying to make my whole house fairy themed so these are perfect. I got them for $2, $2, and $1.

Then I got the sweetest, homiest poster for $2 bucks, also at a store where everything was half off. I thought it would go perfectly in my craft room!

As soon as I saw these I knew they were coming home with me. The most darling candle stick holders for just $2. Fit perfectly with my fairy theme!

And apparently it was just the perfect day to find fairy items because I got the cutest spoon rest for my kitchen. It's things like this that might actually get me to cook, haha.

And lastly, I picked up the absolute sweetest mug for just $1.50. Like does it not make you want to have a tea party in a garden? 

 And then just because I have to include it. Lulu was not a thrift find but he really wanted to be in the picture.

  In total I spent $17 bucks for one of my favorite hauls yet. 

 So, let me know. Is thrifting something you enjoy? And are my hauls something you want to see more of? I never say no to shopping!


 Remember, you're doing amazing even if it doesn't feel like it. And I'm proud of you. Have a day full of rest and healing.
  With love, 

Monday, October 10, 2022

How to get started in the book reviewing world...

 Where do I begin? 

   That's a question I've heard a few times. I'm not an expert in the slightest. In fact there are many reviewers I know that have quite a few more connections and review a lot more than I do. But it can't hurt to get a little advice from everyone in the book world.

 My journey as a reviewer started in 2018. I was an avid reader and I'd happen to come across a few Instagram pages  that talked about books. Better known as, Bookstagrammers. So imagine my excitement when I found out you could be sent books for free and all you had to do in exchange was talk about them?  

I was over the moon. 

  Fast forward, I start following my favorite authors, Kimberley Woodhouse and Tracie Peterson on Instagram and Facebook. They posted a sign up form to review the second book in The Heart of Alaska series. The first book of which I adored. I quickly signed up and somehow got accepted even though I had zero platform. A blog only my mom read. And basically zero connections to any other bookstagrammers. 

  But it was thrilling to be sent a book I didn't pay for, to talk to the authors whose words I so adored, and to have them read what I had to say. I won't share what 2018 Bekah had to say about this particular book because I was very cringy to say the least. 

  So I began looking at the books I saw others reviewing. Started searching online for publishers to review for. And someone suggested Revell. 

   Again, I don't know how they accepted me with my little to no platform, but I quickly started signing up for almost every book title they sent out. 

  I began an official Bookstagram and blog that centered around my reviews. And tried to post as often as possible. 

I know it's exactly what our therapists tell us not to do, but any time an author would reach out to me to review their book I wouldn't say no. And although that's not exactly healthy.. I do believe it started to help me get noticed.

  My advice if you're a beginner reviewer or just coming back to the reviewing world as I myself am, Follow, follow, follow. Follow all the authors. Indie or traditionally published ones. Large or small followings. Follow all the publishing houses. Again, well known or smaller. Some I suggest: Bethany House, Baker House, Revell, WhiteFire Publishing to just name a few.

And boost your engagement. Reply to all of your comments. Reply to your messages, send a few yourself, as well. Even if it's just a simple hi!  It's always fantastic to make some connections. 

 And lastly, be authentic. When I began my platforms they didn't look like everyone else's. For awhile it was something I was insecure about. But it's better if you don't fit in. Because honestly, most people would rather someone that is unique and can bring something different to the table. 

My platforms are small compared to others, but I am extremely grateful to each and every person that has supported me for the past four, almost five years. I'm forever thankful for this community and being so welcomed in it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I love you all. 



You like what I thrifted?

I've gone thrifting a few times this month so here's some of my favorite finds from each trip!                                      ...