Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Cost of Betrayel Dee Henderson, Dani Pettrey, Lynette Eason. (Book Review)

About the book:

 In Dee Henderson's novella "Betrayal," Janelle Roberts is freed--thanks to people she doesn't know--after serving six years of a twenty-year sentence for a murder she did not commit. But a murderer is still at large, and Janelle needs to be somewhere safe with someone she can trust. She may not survive another betrayal.

In Dani Pettrey's "Deadly Isle," Tennyson Kent is trapped on the isolated island of her childhood by a storm surge, and she is shocked when the typically idyllic community turns into the hunting grounds of a murderer. Cut off from any help from the mainland, will she and first love Callen Frost be able to identify and stop a killer bent on betrayal before they become the next victims?

In Lynette Eason's "Code of Ethics," trauma surgeon Ruthie St. John saves the life of Detective Isaac Martinez. After a betrayal leads to him getting shot and then attacked while in recovery, Isaac is now a key witness determined to testify. But someone is intent on silencing him--and those around him--forever. Together, Ruthie and Isaac go on the run, desperate to escape the killers hunting him.

 My thoughts on Betrayed by Dee Henderson: 1/5 stars. 

The story started out a little oddly.  I would have liked more of an introduction but we started right off in the middle of two people's lives. Paul and Ann are interesting characters, Ann is especially quirky, but fun. 
 I noticed what I always notice when reading Dee's books-- things got a bit too technical  Too much shop talk, not enough character interaction. 
 I was a little confused because we weren't given much of a back story for Paul and Ann.  I felt like I was missing a lot, which I guess you could credit that to me reading another book in the middle of a series.  But other than that I think there was some unneeded information, and sone missing information. 

   I longed for more romance and mystery.  This book was definitely lacking that. 

 The first few chapters are really boring but it did get better towards the end. Just not by a lot. 
 The characters were cringey and unnatural. There was no relatability or flow to them. 

 There was WAY too much telling and talking instead of showing and action. 

 I was also very confused by the jump in scenes. 
 In one scene the characters would be getting ready for bed and then without skipping a beat they'd be eating breakfast! Like what? 

 I did like the scenes between Paul and Janelle more. I liked Greg, though he seemed to like to hear himself talk. 
 It was mentioned he had a rough past, I love that he accepted it and moved forward  He's a very kind and funny, generous guy. 

But overall this was a very stiff and boring read. I did not like the ending at all. And I hate to say it, but I wouldn't recommend this story. 

My thoughts on Deadly Isle by Dani Pettrey: 4.5/5 stars. 

I enjoyed this story, though I wish we were included in more of the back story of the characters. 
 I didn't like the jumps of POVs, but it was still very enjoyable. 

 I liked Callan and Teni a lot. 
 They were friends turned to lovers. Callan made a huge mistake and their relationship came to stop. However, their love did not. 

 Among the gripping pages of pain and mystery, can the people they are now forgive the people they were then and give it another go? 

 Love, loss, and faith are the three themes of this book. 
The suspense will have your heart racing, and the romance will have you sighing with delight. 

My thoughts on Code of Ethics by Lynette Eason: 4.5/5 stars

 This story was really good! I liked the characters a lot and the relationships were great. 

 There was mystery, suspense, and I'd say a good, low amount of romance.  Definitely not overpowering or underwhelming. (Wait, is that a word?) 

  I found out a little too late that this was the third in a series. (You've seriously got to start checking Rebekah!!)  But it was still very enjoyable  You didn't feel like you were missing anything, more like you just wanted to know the other stories. 

  I really liked Isaac and Ruthie, though they were perfect strangers so I'm not sure why they trusted each other so easily. 
 There were a few things like that that didn't connect but other than that it was fine. 

It was fast paced and intriguing, I think my favorite story from the trio. 
 I ran into the problem I always do with novellas-- I wished it were longer! 

As always, I looked around for the best deal and that was on CBD! 

 Thanks so much to Bethany House for a free copy of this book! 
**all thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own, I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. **

 ~Rebekah 💖

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you liked the Lynette Eason one. I can't wait to read it.


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