Thursday, March 14, 2019

When Life Doesn't Match Your Dreams, Jill Eileen Smith. (Book Review)

About the book:
 Life is full of twists and turns. Relationships falter, careers fizzle, health fades. We may be faced with choices we never wanted to make or have situations pushed upon us we'd never expected. Yet, in all of it, God is at our side--even when He feels far away.

Drawing on her extensive research into women of the Old Testament, novelist Jill Eileen Smith turns her pen to the lessons in trusting God that we can learn today from women like

- Eve
- Noah's wife
- Sarai
- Hagar
- Lot's wife
- Rebekah
- Rachel
- and more

Readers will learn from what these ancient women did right--and even what they did wrong--when faced with dashed expectations and deferred dreams. And they'll come away with the confidence that ours is a faithful God who loves us and is forming us through our trials into the women He longs for us to be.

My thoughts: 4.5/ 5 stars. 

I knew immediately I'd like this book after just the first page. 
  Told partly in each woman's point of view, it was a joy to get to know them better. There was something about Jill's writing ability that made these women and their lives so much more real. I definitely shed a few tears and smiled largely with them. 

 As we go through the stories of these twelve women,  we imagine how their lives would have be different if they'd not made the choices they did, if they'd not made the mistakes they had. How different would their lives be? How different would ours be? 

  While I didn't always agree with everything Jill wrote, she did bring up some very interesting ideas and points. 
 Some things dragged on a bit but still a very enjoyable book. And it was great for the author's first nonfiction book! 

 The author regaled us with relative stories and lessons and trusting God with the outcome of every situation we're in. 
 My favorite story in this book would have to be Lot's wife, whom we call Melah. I related to the story and feelings Jill imagined for her and I related to the stories Jill told of her own life,and how she relates to the woman who couldn't help but look back.
 The book made me stop and say, "It's not just me?" and realize that I'm really not alone.

Did you ever read a book that gave you a new passion for living? For having a relationship with Christ? This book was that book for me.

(page 55, Sarai) 
 Christians are messy too. Because the truth is, we're all broken people with pasts we can't erase and sometimes can't forgive. When we choose not to forgive, however, we set ourselves up for a life of bitterness and merciless judgment of others. We lose all ability to live the grace we were given when we first believed 
 With God there is hope. God, who can calm the stormy seas, is also very capable of calming our turbulent emotions and healing our hurting pasts--if we'll ask Him.  (Page 121, Rachel.)

 Purchase links for Purchase link on Amazon.

  Thank you so much to Revell for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
 *All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own, I was not required to leave a good review. *

~Rebekah 💞

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