Friday, March 29, 2019

An Hour Unspent by Roseanna M. White (Book Review)

About the book:

 Once London’s top thief, Barclay Pearce has turned his back on his life of crime and now uses his skills for a nation at war. But not until he rescues a clockmaker’s daughter from a mugging does he begin to wonder what his future might hold.

Evelina Manning has constantly fought for independence but she certainly never meant for it to inspire her fiancé to end the engagement and enlist in the army. When the intriguing man who saved her returns to the Manning residence to study clockwork repair with her father, she can’t help being interested. But she soon learns that nothing with Barclay Pearce is as simple as it seems.

As 1915 England plunges ever deeper into war, the work of an ingenious clockmaker may give England an unbeatable military edge—and Germany realizes it as well. Evelina’s father soon finds his whole family in danger—and it may just take a reformed thief to steal the time they need to escape it.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars.

This book was so very good!!

 I loved the easy bond Barclay and Evelina had from the beginning. Their friendship was beautiful and inspiring.

  The story was interesting. The host of characters enjoyable and entertaining.

  It took me a bit to get into the story, I felt the beginning was a bit slow, but after that I was HOOKED. I stayed up way too late finishing the book, though my body regrets that, my heart doesn't.

 Let's chat about Barclay Pearce for a moment, shall we?
 Though he was a known thief, Barclay is a sweet, kind, caring, gentleman.
 I'd heard a lot of swoon worthy accounts of him and I'm glad to say I was not disappointed.
  He'll do absolutely everything he can for those in need, he's compassionate. Loves deeply, and hurts deeply. But that doesn't mean he's without his flaws. There were a lot of times he bugged me! But I always came back to him. 😍

 Evelina Manning.
 Lina... is a character.  Very feisty. She's insecure yet independent, a strong and bull headed woman.
 Evelina probably bugged me the most. That's not to say I didn't like her, because I did. For the most part. Just the way she dragged poor Barclay's heart through the mud 🙄

Can we just talk about the beautiful bonds among Barclay's family? Blood doesn't matter to them, love does. And that's what all of these people share. A deep, eternal love. Barclay is an amazing brother. As the oldest he's the protector, but he doesn't limit his protectiveness to his siblings alone, he also cares deeply and will do anything to protect the people he knows.

      “But family isn’t blood— you know that. It should be, but it isn’t, not always. Family is choice. Love. Wearing a blighted tie when you’d rather be in an apron, and then walking down the aisle of a fancy church when you belong in the kitchen.”

 Faith, family and time are the three huge themes in this book.

    ""Mr. Manning . . . a man has only so much time upon this earth. It seems to me that if you spend it all regretting what you haven’t accomplished , you’ve only managed to waste what hours you have, which you ought to be spending with the people who make them count."

 Honestly y'all, I'm scrambling for words. I usually keep notes as I go through the book so I know what to write for a review, but I was so into reading that I only took a few for the first half of the book. 🙈
    I can tell you that I wasn't sure how things were going to end up. That my heart was racing through a lot of scenes. That I love these characters and I thought I was ready for this story to be over, but I'm not.
 I'm gonna miss reading this story. I know that there are more in this series, but I don't think it will ever be the same.

 I looked around for the best deals I could find and CBD and Thrift Books had them!
 I also found that it is free on Kindle Unlimited!

Thanks so much to Bethany House Chosen Readers for a free copy of this book!

**As always, I was in no obligated to leave a positive review, all thoughts and expressions are purely my own. **

~Rebekah 💖

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