Monday, June 24, 2019

Cross My Heart, Robin Lee Hatcher JustReads Blog Tour: Review+Giveaway.

Welcome to the Blog Tour & Giveaway for Cross My Heart by Robin Lee Hatcher, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Title: Cross My Heart  
Series: Legacy of Faith #2 
Author: Robin Lee Hatcher  
Publisher: Thomas Nelson 
Release Date: June 25, 2019  
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Split Timeline

Can two broken paths lead toward God’s redemption?

When Ashley Showalter and Ben Henning meet on Ashley’s horse rescue farm, they quickly discover how muc h they have in common. Both were raised by single moms. Both want to help where they see a need. And both work with horses in the Boise valley. Ben needs Ashley’s help and expertise after starting an equine therapy barn on his great - great - grandfather’s far m — and the more time they spend together, both Ashley and Ben have the feeling that there could be something more between them.

They also carry the burden of past experiences that may drive them apart if the truth is ever revealed. Ben is a rec overing alcoholic with five years of sobriety behind him, while Ashley’s brother is an opioid addict residing in court - ordered rehab. Holding fast to the belief that addicts can never be cured, Ashley has promised herself she will never walk knowingly into the chaos created by addiction. Ben knows that with God, all things are possible — but will Ashley find it within herself to give love a chance? Or will her brother’s mistakes and the pain of her past jeopardize her future with Ben?

Cross My He art threads together a contemporary love story with the heartwarming tale of Ben’s great - great - grandfather, Andrew Henning — reminding us that God’s Word is timeless and that His promises are new every morning.


Robin Lee Hatcher

Robin Lee Hatcher is the author of 80 novels and novellas with over f ive million copies of her books in print. She is known for her heartwarming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love.

Her numerous awards include the RITA® Award, the Carol Award, the Christy Award, the HOLT Medallion, the N ational Reader’s Choice Award, and the Faith, Hope & Love Reader’s Choice Award. Robin is also the recipient of prestigious Lifetime Achievement Awards from both American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America®.

When not writing, she enjoys being with her family, spending time in the beautiful Idaho outdoors, Bible art journaling, reading books that make her cry, watching romantic movies, and decorative planning. Robin makes her home on the outskirts of Boise, sharing it w ith a demanding Papillon dog and a persnickety tuxedo cat.

CONNECT WITH ROBIN: Website | Facebook | Twitter

My Thoughts: 3.5/5 stars 

Though I did not feel I really gelled well with Cross My Heart, I still find some enjoyment within its pages.

  The writing style was simple, to the point. I usually prefer more embellishments .

 The story line was enjoyable, though.

It was hard for me, in the beginning to really get into the book, but towards the end it really became worth it.

My favorite character was probably Grandpa Henning. He was wise, realistic, hopeful, deep, encouraging and prayful.
 He reminded me a lot of my own grandfather. Whom I've been missing a lot these past few days.
 So it was really nice to be able to connect with my grandpa through this book in a way.

Ben struggled a lot in his past, and though we got only a short glimpse into who he was, I found myself really proud of him and who he'd become.

I loved the message that we can never stray too far from God that we lose His love.
 His love is everlasting.

Ashley was a deep character, one I will not forget.
She too has a troubled past and I loved watching her overcome that. I loved seeing her heart change towards God and watching her become the person God had always intended for her to be.

This book will inspire you to think about God and what He intends for you.

I also very much loved the ranch and the equine therapy program.
Equine therapy is something I've been interested in and have thought a lot about.

So bravo to Robin Lee Hatcher for bringing light to a topic that's not hugely recognized.

I can't wait to read more stories from this author!


(1) winner will receive Book 1 & 2 of Robin Lee Hatcher's LEGACY OF FAITH series (US only) - Who I Am With You & Cross My Heart

Each host on the tour (excluding the launch pages) has a "timeless" verse or phrase for you to enter on the Rafflecopter form for bonus entries!

My phrase: "From everlasting, to everlasting, You are God." Psalm 90:2

Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight June 21, 2019 and last through 11:59 PM EST on June 28, 2019. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only.
Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.
Enter Giveaway here!

**I received a complimentary ARC copy of Cross My Heart from the author in exchange for my honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review, all thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Number of Love, Roseanna White. (Book Review)

About the book:

 Three years into the Great War, England’s greatest asset is their intelligence network—field agents risking their lives to gather information, and codebreakers able to crack every German telegram. Margot De Wilde thrives in the environment of the secretive Room 40, where she spends her days deciphering intercepted messages. But when her world is turned upside down by an unexpected loss, for the first time in her life numbers aren’t enough.

Drake Elton returns wounded from the field, followed by an enemy that just won’t give up. He’s smitten quickly by the too-intelligent Margot, but how to convince a girl who lives entirely in her mind that sometimes life’s answers lie in the heart?

Amidst biological warfare, encrypted letters, and a German spy who wants to destroy not just them, but others they love, Margot and Drake will have to work together to save them all from the very secrets that brought them together.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

 Spies and codes, and secrets, oh my!

  The Number of Love grips you at every page turn. A new secret, a new code, a dangerous spy mission, and sweet, beautiful love stories.

Simple, yet poetic. Funny, yet heartwarming. 

Not only was all the action super fun, but the characters were deep and diverse. These compelling characters really had a story to tell.
 Each one had a perspective on life. It was really incredible to view such an interesting period of history through these deep thinkers and feelers eyes.

  Margot was sarcastic, funny and a genius. She was generous, kind and is no like no other character I've met.
The same goes for Drake. Both were diverse and layered characters. 

Not one to waste air on useless words Margot is quiet,  determined and feels the need to be completely on her own.
 Buuuut then Drake walks into her life and everything familiar is swept away, replaced with exciting new adventures that might just lead to the most exciting adventure of all- love.

He is feeling, she is thinking. 
Combine the two and you'll get a really epic love story.

**I was given a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are purely my own.**


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pursued: A Testimony of God's Relentless Love, Felisa B. Jack. (Book Review)

About the book:

Shame covers your situation like a blanket, trapping and suffocating you. Your mind meditates on the question, "How can my circumstances ever change?" The answer is God's relentless love pursuing YOU! He loves you AND He can do something about your situation if you allow Him. Pursued is a powerful and transparent testimony of Felisa Jack's experience living in a domestic violence relationship that put both her and her son's life in grave danger. She shares how God was pursuing her during this difficult time; strengthening and encouraging her to walk out of that destructive relationship. Walking with her through her story will restore hope and faith in your life as well as open your eyes to see the ways God is pursuing you with His relentless love. 

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

  "Pursued" is a small yet ferocious story. 

The story of Felisa Jack is a sad, heartbreaking one, but with God Felisa teaches that you can have a happy ending. 

Felisa was a woman who longed for what every human longs for- love. To be loved. Cherished. Wanted. 
 She thought she'd found that in Michael. 

 Turns out Michael was just like the monsters in the Scooby Doo cartoons her son watched- destruction hiding behind a mask. 

What was once a fairytale turned into blood and bruises. Lies and hurts. 

 Felisa thought she was going to die. But God had other plans. 

 "God took everything that the devil meant for harm and turned it
around for my good."

This little book kicks Satan to the curb and reminds each and every person who reads it just how loved they are.

If you've ever been/ are in an abusive relationship, one, I encourage you to seek help. You do not need to stay. You are better than the lies your abuser tells you. And most importantly, God does not want you there. He loves you and wants to keep you safe. Trust Him.

Two, this book is for you.
 This book will remind you that you are so much more than the abuse. Pursued will remind you or maybe introduce you to the love of Christ.

I highly recommend this book.

**I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Weddings, Willows and Revised Expectations, V. Joy Palmer. (Book Review)

About the book:

 Seventeen years after being orphaned, Apryl Burns and her twin sister Courtney have their own expectations for life. While Courtney continues to shine at everything, Apryl holds fast to the mantra that as long as her potato chip stash remains intact, then she’ll be fine.

But when their beloved grandmother ends up injured and unable to manage her struggling antique store, Courtney makes it their mission to revamp the business and save what’s left of their family’s legacy. Despite rampant doubts in her abilities, Apryl finds herself trapped under the weight of family loyalty as they transition to a wedding venue decorating service. Soon she’s forced to ask (translation: blackmail) their grandmother’s renter/handyman, Chance McFarland, for help, an arrangement that is made even worse by the fact that Chance is her former (ahem, and current) crush.

Chance knows a few dozen things about family loyalty, which is why he begrudgingly agrees to Apryl’s insane plan. While Apryl claims they’re archenemies, the girl Chance only glimpsed in their teens starts to emerge, stealing what remains of his heart. 

But expectations are a powerful thing. Amidst the glamorous weddings and swaying willows, can those old expectations be revised into something new?

My thoughts: 5/5 stars. Wow.  I am struggling to find the words to best describe this book.
 It was BEYOND good. Like, seriously. WOW.

 Apryl and Chance are phenomenal characters. 

My heart broke for Apryl as she struggled with insecurities, and as she played the comparison game with her sister.
 I related to her so much, and I felt like this fictional character got me.

 Her character's growth probably made me the most happy and proud throughout the book. She changed so much when she finally allowed herself to see her value. 

 Chance grew and changed as well. From the jerk that enjoyed picking on Apryl, to the kind hearted gentleman who grew to love Apryl. Well, they still picked in each other, but that's half the fun. 😉

 The story line was AMAZING. The writing--oh-my-word-incredible.

 I honestly can't describe how much this book touched my heart. It changed my heart for God and life and made me realize my value in my God in a way I've never seen it before. 

 I cannot thank V. Joy Palmer enough for writing this book that truly changed my life, made me laugh hard and caused my heart to swoon.
 So thank you, for the Gilmore Girls quotes, and for turning my heart to Christ's and truly making me realize my worth. 

 The faith these characters have is inspiring  encouraging and a reflection of the author herself. 

 Palmer writes with humor, (Did I mention I was laughing hysterically?) faith and characters... of a different kind. 

I absolutely, 1000% recommend getting this book! Weddings, Willows and Revised Expectations will make you laugh, your heart swoon, and definitely refresh your love for Christ. Or lead you to Him, one or the other. 😊

*I received a free copy of this book from the author, I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.*


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Love, Lace and Minor Alterations, V. Joy Palmer. (Book Review)

About the book:

 Isabel “Izze” Vez, bridal consultant extraordinaire, has been helping brides find The Dress for years. She loves nothing more than helping make wedding dreams come true…but sometimes the happy endings grate on her. How many times can a girl discover someone else’s gown without dreaming of the day it’ll be her turn to wear one? 

When James Miles Clayton walks into her life, he represents everything Izze can’t handle: change. He’s determined to bring the Ever After Bridal Boutique into the black…and to prove to Izze that she should give him a chance.

But if there’s anything Izze handles worse than change, it’s trust. She may have a few issues—fine, she knows she does. But will they keep getting in the way of any chance of her own Happily Ever After? She wants to trust God to give her those dreams of love and lace, but that’s going to require some…minor alterations.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

 As I sit down to write this review, I have a hard time conjuring the words to explain what I'm feeling. 
 This book was.. Incredible. That word lacks when it comes to this story but I cannot summon one that fits this story more correctly. 

Simple, yet poetic. That's Palmer's writing style.
 Love, Lace and Minor Alterations was cute and lighthearted, but also soul touching and life changing. 

 The characters were beautifully written in all their flawsome (Flaw filled and awesome) glory.

 Izze is sweet, hilarious, strong willed. She's stubborn and has some deep trust issues. (I get it girl.) 

  Even though she hates change, she went through some major soul changing moments. 
 By the end of the book she'd become a whole new version of herself, and I don't think anyone's complaining. 

Miles was also a wonderful character .
 He was witty, kind, and can hold his own when it comes to Izze.
 He was flawed just as much as Izze, and that made him an even better character. 

 The book had serious, heart-felt scenes dashed with humor. Sweet and light while simultaneously being soul touching and heart breaking. 

Palmer writes with such grace and poetic beauty. In one particularly beautiful scene I just immediately thought - WOAH. 

 Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. Stunning. Magnificent. Incredible. Fantastic. Amazing
Lovely. Outstanding. Awe-striking.   Those are just a few adjectives to describe this wonderful book. 

It had great supporting characters, amazing faith defining moments, and ultimately my spiritual life was changed because of this book. 

I definitely recommend if you're looking for a book that will make you cry from laughter, wipe a few tears of sorrow, and ultimately fill your heart with love, and renew your passion for Christ. 

 Grab your Copy now!

-Rebekah Lewis 

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