Friday, July 19, 2019

For the Love of a Word, Annie Twitchell: Review + Interview.

About the book:

A collection of love letters to creative souls. For your inspiration and encouragement. "There is a strange beauty in this lonely work; to create is to realize my connection with things greater than myself, and soon enough the work is not lonely at all, but blessed and beloved." Featuring the words of sixteen writers, For the Love of a Word is designed to encourage, inspire, and uplift you in your journey.

Book Review: 5/5 stars. 

For the Love of a Word was full of beautiful, thought provoking poems.
Letters from writer to writer giving inspiration for the weary soul.

Relatable, sad, inspiring, heart touching words filled this beautiful little book.

By the end I knew I had seen these authors hearts what a special thing it was.

Beautiful, poignant, heartbreaking words of experiences fill their aching hearts to overflowing.

Aching as in a soul breaking truths but as well as their beautiful true hearts aching for you to realize you're not quite as alone as you thought.

Their hearts longed to connect to yours and make you realize that you, dear one, are special. And you're not alone. And your words mean something. They're worthy to be put on paper.

It was a definite emotional read.

One I recommend to every writer. Every aspiring author, every published author, even if writing has just crossed your mind, I want every single one of you to read this book. It will change your heart.

I did not expect to love or need this book so much.


Definitely grab For the Love of a Word now!

**I received an ebook copy of this book from the author. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review, all thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

       Author Interview: Annie Twitchell. 

Q1 What inspired "For the Love of a Word"?

A1 - I was talking to a couple friends who were feeling discouraged about their writing, and I sent them a letter I had written a couple years ago, a letter of gentle and living encouragement.

Q2- What do you hope to inspire with this book?

A2- I hope that every creative soul finds a safe place in these pages to explore expressing themselves

Q3 When you feel like giving up on writing, how do you keep going?

A3- I tend to take a step back and see why I'm feeling burnt out. Often times it's an environmental or mental block, and working to resolve that frees up my writing process.

Q4 What can we expect more of in the future?

A4-  More of everything, really.

Q5 What is your favorite genre to write? I know you've dabbled in fantasy, poetry, fiction, etc.

A5- - I think my favorite is contemporary.

Q6 If you could only write in one genre for the rest of your life, which would it be?

A6- probably contemporary, because there's so much room for flexibility.

Q7 Which of your works was the most fulfilling to write?

A7-  The Ocean and I, hands down.

Q8 What does your creative process look like?

A8-it looks like an insane hornet's nest of ideas, stray threads, and lost stories.

Q9 Where do you come up with your best ideas?

A9 - usually when I'm taking a walk to my river.

Thank you so much for your time Annie! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!!! Thanks so much for sharing about the book, Rebekah!!!

    Also. Love the interview. Contemporary is probably my favorite genre too ;)


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