Sunday, July 21, 2019

Yours Truly, Thomas, Rachel Fordham. (Book Review)

About the book:

For three years, Penny Ercanbeck has been opening other people's mail. Dead ends are a reality for clerks at the Dead Letter Office. Still she dreams of something more--a bit of intrigue, a taste of romance, or at least a touch less loneliness. When a letter from a brokenhearted man to his one true love falls into her hands, Penny seizes this chance to do something heroic. It becomes her mission to place this lost letter into the hands of its intended recipient.

Thomas left his former life with no intention of ending up in Azure Springs, Iowa. He certainly didn't expect a happy ending after what he had done. All he wanted to do was run and never look back. In a moment of desperation, he began to write, never really expecting a reply.

When Penny's undertaking leads her to the intriguing man who touched her soul with his words, everything grows more complicated. She wants to find the rightful owner of the letter and yet she finds herself caring--perhaps too much--for the one who wrote it.

 My thoughts: 5/5 stars. 

Have you ever read a book so good you cried when it ended?
Yours Truly, Thomas was that book for me. I didn't actually cry because I'm not much of a crier, but my heart and soul definitely did.

This book was heart-warming, soulful, and full of beautiful, compassionate people.

So many times my heart broke for these beautiful characters and the losses they endured, but then they pieced my heart back together with their ability to rise again and fight.

And boy did they fight.

They fought for love, for freedom from their pasts; they fought for joy and peace within their hearts. They fought for each other. And they fought for what they knew in their hearts was true.

This tale was chock full of wisdom for the weary soul.
One of my favorites was a sentiment from Penny's late father.

 "I firmly believe that if we are here on this earth than we still have work to do. We have a purpose even when we cannot see it." 

Mr. Ercanbeck believed we should always fight for joy and purpose. I agree with him.

The love story (with a few side ones thrown in) touched my heart deeply.

Penny and Thomas's love was an unconventional one. They met through his letters detailing his love for his dear, sweet Clara  My heart ached for the broken man sending letters describing his broken heart. The letters that dug deeply into his soul and touched not only Penny's heart, but my own.

My heart was made a little more complete with this beautiful tale of Christ's love, forgiveness, and a fight for joy.
 Plus there was a little bit of mystery and a few bad guys thrown in. But love always wins.

These characters have an unbelievable ability to overcome. I can't thank Rachel Fordham enough for writing these characters so I could invite them into my heart to stay forever.

Grab your copy of Yours Truly, Thomas because you will not regret it!

**I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**


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