Friday, August 23, 2019

Wherever You Go, Tracie Peterson. (Book Review)

About the book:
   Mary Reichert is one of the best sharpshooters in the country, and in the Brookstone Wild West Extravaganza her skills are on display in every performance. But unless the man responsible for her brother's death is brought to justice, Mary's fame and accomplishments seem hollow. She feels helpless in the face of the murderer's money, power, and connections. The only bright spot in her days is the handsome journalist who keeps attending their shows. 

My thoughts: 4/5 stars

  Adventure and romance and faith stories are what kept me in this book from morning till night

The characters each have these deep and emotional  stories to tell and each one of them has to figure out they can't move forward on their own. They need God and the people He designed to help them.

So much healing and redemption was found among these pages.

I think I was most impressed with journalist Chris's character growth. He grew from this scared, hurt young man into this strong and godly man who no longer was ashamed of his past.

Chris and Mary's love story was... rocky. But beautiful. They were both broken people in need of their true Father's healing. I was so happy to see them find this healing together.

I was equally as pleased to read more of Wes and Lizzy's love story! I'd been rooting for them since day one in When You Are Near (the first in the Brookstone Brides series) and it was wonderful to see how much their relationship had grown since the first book ended.

I was also very intrigued by Wes's younger brother and Lizzy's friend, Phillip and Ella's story line. And I look forward to reading their story in What Comes My Way!

As always, I very much enjoyed the wild west show setting and learning facts about England, and trick riding and Montana!

  Tracie Peterson's books are always full of fun and interesting facts and tidbits to pull out at random. Which is always fun. At least for me, you'd have to ask my family how they feel about me randomly spouting off things about random things at the most random-est moments about places and characters they do not know. ;)

  I was so, so happy to read this beautiful book and I really hope you'll consider grabbing it for yourself!

 *I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.*

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A Glitter of Gold, Liz Johnson. (Book Review)

About the book:
  When pirate wreck tour guide Anne Norris finds evidence of an undiscovered shipwreck, she seeks the help of museum director Carter Hale to uncover the truth and treasure that could save her business. But can she trust him with her secrets and her heart?

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

First of all, this book was absolutely incredible.
Second of all, I'm nearly speechless. I cannot capture how good this book was in words. 

 I adored A Sparkle of Silver, the first in the Georgia Coast Romance series and was overjoyed to read and review A Glitter of Gold!! 

The characters in this novel were absolutely beautiful. They had so much depth and each had a story to tell.

  I adored Carter and Anne's love story. 
They both had so much healing to do but they helped each other change and grow past their past with God leading them.

And I of course enjoyed the historical side of the story of Rebecca Jones and Samuel Thackery.
I'm learning I love split time novels more and more!

The book was extremely interesting; I loved the facts about pirates and shipwrecks and Savannah, Georgia's history!
I really loved and appreciated the author worked so hard to ensure complete accuracy for the readers!

A Glitter of Gold is a story of Faith, romance, heartache, redemption and healing. It is a must read!!

And bless your heart if you choose not to read it. ;)

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.*

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Book of Secrets, M.L Little. (Book Review)

About the book:

  After Gabriel Draven smuggles home the Stone of the Seven Realms, his fear of facing consequences launches him and his oddball family on a rollicking run for their lives across the world they only thought they knew. As his journey takes him out of his realm and into another, Gabriel discovers that the deepest mystery lies at the heart of his own family, and he must do whatever it takes to find his way back home.

Strong and unapologetic, full of vivid, well-timed simile and lilting rhythm, bright with humor, at times bursting into a depth of pure simplistic beauty, The Book of Secrets looks far beyond the typical medieval swords-and-sorcery and, instead, introduces mystical creatures, absurd new worlds, and, at its heart, a hymn of praise to the complicated bond of siblinghood.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars.
Gabriel has rejected his mother's way of life.
 He doesn't like talk of wizards and witches and seers and avoids it at all costs. 
So why does it keep choosing him?
First he finds a mysterious stone which holds more power than he can imagine. Then he finds a book full of secrets hidden away in an old bookshop. 
 His journey after that is epic to say the least. 

The Book of Secrets took me on an adventure of a lifetime. Through different worlds, and imagined creatures. I was entertained with every word. 

I had a grand time with Gabriel, Ren, Patch and Hollis as they traveled through uncertain times and learned having a brother is no small thing. 

It warmed my heart to read about these quirky siblings and their story made me feel closer to my siblings. 

 I also really loved that the author wove her faith into this story in a creative way. 
It was refreshing to see that in a genre that usually struggles with that in my opinion. 

Little's writing was often quite well, gorgeous! Sometimes she described the simplest of things in the most amazing way. I adored it. 

P.S I totally recommend for fans of Harry Potter!

Order the book now!


**I received a free ebook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own. 

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Killing Tide by Dani Pettrey. (Book Review)

About the book:
When one Coast Guard officer is found dead and another goes missing, Coast Guard Investigative Service special agent Finn Walker faces his most dangerous crime yet. His only clues are what little evidence remains aboard the dead officer's boat, and the direction the clues point to will test Finn and the Guard to their limits.

When investigative reporter--and Finn's boss's sister--Gabby Rowley arrives, her unrelenting questions complicate an already volatile situation. Now that she's back, the tug on Finn's heart is strong, but with the risks she's taking for her next big story, he fears she might not live through it.

Thrown together by the heinous crime, Finn and Gabby can't ignore the sparks or judgments flying between them. But will they be able to see past their preconceptions long enough to track down an elusive killer, or will they become his next mark?

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

 Whoa. Buddy. This book was incredible.
From the first page my heart was racing and I don't think it stopped racing throughout the entirety of the book.

Whether it was a gun fight, or a hot chase, or the sweetest little moments where I asked, "Are you going to kiss her yet?" I don't think my heart calmed down at all during the story.

I'm not usually totally satisfied by suspense novels but this one did the trick.
The suspense was grueling, (in the best sort of way,) and it was not overpowered by the romance and Christian themes. They were all balanced perfectly.

Now the short chapters irritated me and I didn't appreciate the constant jumps in POVs but it's something I can live with.

The story line was incredible. The characters were amazingly built.
The character growth for both Finn and Gabby was truly satisfying.
Not only their growth as individuals, but in their relationship.

They dated back in the day or almost started dating or something, but the feelings were there, as evidence by their inability to stay away from each other.

Their relationship was very pleasing, though there were times I wanted to slap them both on the head. Especially Finn. But then again, especially Gabby. XD

I personally would prefer a heavier Christian theme but I know a lot of people prefer it to be at a minimum. I think there was good balance between the two.

    I can't say say enough about the suspenseful moments. The mystery had me never wanting to stop reading.

Hearts and lives were on the line throughout the whole book and it had my heart racing probably above a healthy level.

By the end of the story I was speechless
  It pained me because I knew I'd never be able to get out the words to explain how  friggen awesome this book was!!


Grab your copy now!

**I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Monday, August 5, 2019

The Express Bride, Kimberley Woodhouse. (Book Review)

About the book:

The Wilderness Is a Great Place to Hide

Jacqueline Rivers manages a Pony Express station in 1860 Utah territory after her father’s death. There are daily stresses placed on her in this unconventional role—and now a government official is asking her to sniff out counterfeiters. When Elijah Johnson passes through on the stage while on an exhausting quest to find his boss’s heir, he doesn’t want to leave the beguiling station manager. In fact, he may never leave when caught in the crossfire of the territory’s criminal activities. Jackie can’t decide if Elijah is friend or foe. Can she remain strong when secrets of the past and present are finally unearthed?

Join the adventure as the Daughters of the Mayflower series continues with The Express Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse.

My thoughts: 5/5

There's something about Woodhouse's books that make me fall in love with storytelling all over again.
The way she researches everything to perfect detail just so it can be accurate for the readers. 
The way she explores her characters and finds their deepest vulnerabilities so we can connect to them. 

Mrs. Woodhouse inspires me to do the same. 
  She's a dedicated author, one whom I'm proud to be reviewing for.

I adored the book from the beginning. Starting with a heart racing escape, I knew this book was bound for adventure.

My assumption was correct.

Criminals and spies and treasure hunts filled this book, but did not cloud the romance and friendships and the faith stories! Rather, they were all ingredients to a special recipe.

  Learning about the Pony Express was truly a treat. I have admired the endeavor for awhile and was so excited to learn the Express Bride focused on a woman running a way station.

It was incredible to be able to read about the riders and their experiences, (though I'm sure a few were exaggerated. ;) )

  Woodhouse has a way of placing you in the scene--I love her descriptions. Both of people and scenes.

Though at times I felt some story lines could have been expounded upon more. I felt like they were rushed in a hurry to end the book and were resolved too quickly.

But overall the major storyline ran throughout the book and I didn't have any problems with it.

I thoroughly enjoyed Jackie and Elijah's story of redemption; their willingness to find out the past, but move on with the future; and their deep ability to love.

I close this book with a sigh and a thank you to the author for this beautiful story.

I will cherish it always.


I highly recommend you grab The Express Bride now!

**I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

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