Thursday, February 14, 2019

Fab Five: Favorite Movie/TV Show Heroine.

Number 1:

Rosemary Leveaux Coulter.
 I know, I know. Shrieky, pushy, nosy, manipulative, somewhat mean, Rosemary.
 Buuut she's also got a good side. She can be kind, caring and even loveable.
Rosemary made the list because I'm always so inspired by her. When she wants something, she goes out and gets it. She fights for what she believes in, and she is insanely strong and fierce.

Number 2:

Lorelai Gilmore.
 How could Lorelai not make the list?
Yes, she can't keep a guy around longer than a few months. Yes, she has an insanely bad relationship with her parents.
But Lor is a fighter. She's strong, she's fierce, she has fire and spirit.
She's got a humor only a select few will understand.
 Lorelai fights for what she wants. And she raises her daughter that way.
 Even though this phrase was used for her daughter, Rory, it stands for her too: What she tackles, she conquers.

Number 3:
Bethany Hamilton.
I included a picture of the actress who plays Bethany Hamilton, and the real woman.
 Bethany is a huge inspiration.
  When so many of us would have just given up, she continued fighting.
 In case you don't know the story of Bethany Hamilton, I'll give a quick recap.
 When Bethany was 14 (I think) she was out surfing. A shark attacked her and she lost her left arm. Instead of allowing her loss to rule her life, she's used it to inspire and encourage others toward Christ.
See? Amazing. :)

Number 4:

Ziva David.
This girl doesn't just have a fiery soul, she's got the moves too.
She can beat the crap out of any man 3x her size and look great doing it.
Now, I haven't seen the newest episodes yet, so DON'T GIVE ANY SPOILERS.

I'm sorry but I don't have a number five. I honestly can't think of one.
I don't watch a lot of TV and movies so I have trouble with these XD

  Be sure to check out Erudessa's post!

❓ Who are your favorite heroines?

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Fab Five: Top Five Book Heros.

Hey, I'm baaack!
I'm a couple days late posting this, but I've been very sick these last few days, so you'll have to excuse me!

  Today I'm bringing my top five book heros! Not my favorites, ones that I enjoy. Immensely. 🤣
And here I go.

Number 1: Todd Spencer.

 Todd is the best.
  Swoon worthy, a total God lover, a friend to everyone.
  Plus he's a gorgeous surfer boy. Shall I go on?
  He loves with all his heart. Even when he is fighting with Christy, AKA the love of his life, he is always there. 
  He does what's best. He trusts God wholeheartedly. He's a true inspiration.
 I love him. 😍😍😍
Also, can we just acknowledge that Todd has ruined every other guy out there because I don't think there is anyone as good as him.

 Number 2: Kyle Buchanan.

Ahh Kyle. *swoons at just the thought of him.*

   Though there are editions with Kyle on the cover I don't like them nearly as much as this one.
 Maybe because it's the cover that I read the book with, but there's just something about it. Don't you think?

 Kyle is a firefighter, he volunteers at the church youth group.
He's got faith bigger than Texas, plus he's just so darn good looking.
 And there was only one time throughout the book that I was mad at him.
Or was it two? Who knows, who cares? It's Kyle!
  I adore him, in case you couldn't tell. 😉

 Number 3: Tyler Atherton.

Tyler has such a heart of gold.
 Though Carissa has expressed her disinterest many times,  Tyler just won't give up on the girl he's sure he loves.
  Tyler is such a gentlemen. He respects Carissa and her past.
  Carissa has been running from hurt for so long, when it finally catches up to her she's in big trouble. And of course Tyler, with a whole lot of faith in God, swoops and and becomes the hero that has always been lurking underneath.
   AND he's really good looking. 😉

 Number 4: Dave Richman.

 I couldn't find an edition with Dave on the cover but just know he's here in spirit.

 Dave is a protector, (a well known trait in Dee's books.)
 He wants to do nothing but protect the people he loves, and for the most part he does.
Buuuut then he meets Kate. The strongwilled, head strong, fierce woman who doesn't need protection. Or does she?
  Dave doesn't give up. Especially when it comes to people hurting the people he loves. Don't do that. It's for your own good.  He's got a gorgeous British accent, a heart of gold. He's a friend, a follower of Christ, and an FBI Agent.  Definitely, definitely swoon worthy.

 Number 5: Ben Thornton.

Ben always does what's right, especially after that unfortunate incident when he was young.
 Ben is so kind and sweet, especially to Millie, the sweet southern girl he finds snooping where she doesn't belong.
 They embark on an incredible journey together, thinking they'd find the true identity of Millie's great grandfather.
Instead they find who they are as individuals, and who they are together.
 Ben is smart, funny, good looking, SOOO kind.
I just love him.

  I hope you enjoyed my list and be sure to check out Erudessa's post!!

 Who are your favorite book heros?


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Fab Five: Top five favorite movie/tv heros. Part 1.

Today I'm collaborating with my very good friend, Erudessa to bring you a list of our top five favorite movie and TV heros.
  So without further ado, my list.


 1 Luke Danes.
 How can you not love Luke Danes?? As some of you know, Gilmore Girls is my favorite TV show ever!
 So how could I not put this loyal, kind, grouchy diner owner at the top of my list?
 Luke may be the grinch at all times of the year but he's soooo sweet. He just doesn't always show it. 😉

 2 Clark Davis.
 That's right, the Love Comes Softly patriarch. Does the man ever age?
  His kindness never changes, his love for his family;  His unwavering faith in Christ; those are just a few reasons to love this hero!
 He is always there when someone needs him. He loves like you've never seen love before.
 Actually, the song Wherever You Are by Ben Rector kinda fits him perfectly!

 3  Ty Borden.
 Yup, the emotionally scarred boy who runs away when things get hard, on the popular television show, Heartland.
 But he loves so deeply.
 I think one of the main reasons I love him is because he has grown so much throughout the series.
 You know, he had a really bad childhood, he's running away from his problems instead of facing them.
 He has to learn to stop running.
 With the help of horse crazy, Amy Fleming, he might just do that. 😉

4   Leland "Lee" Coulter.
 Lee is a too unpopular TV hero in my eyes.
Mountie Jack Thornton mostly outshines this handsome hero on When Calls the Heart.  But, Jack actually isn't my favorite hero.
 Lee is  so sweet, encouraging and kind!
 Plus he can put up with Rosemary's nonsense like nobody's business.
 Lee comes to town right when we need him to, he picks the people of Hope Valley up, (formerly known as Coal Valley) and builds up their hopes and dreams again.
 What's not to love?

 5 Leroy Jethro Gibbs.
 You didn't think there was going to be a list without him on it did you?
He practically invented the list.
 Gibbs is the silent, brooding type. But he never fails to show up.
 Or invite you in. To his basement. Where he's working on what seems to be his 44th boat.
   Gibbs has been through a lot, it's what makes him so kind when people are hurting.
 He knows when to push, when to stand still, and when to just be a shoulder to cry on. And many, many people do that.
 He's so empathic. So gentle (except when it comes to the people who hurt the people he loves.)
He loves deeply which means he hurts deeply.

    I hope you enjoyed this post of my favorite TV/movie heros!!

Be sure to check out Erudessa's post!

❓What are five of your favorite heros that grace the TV screen?

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