Thursday, February 14, 2019

Fab Five: Favorite Movie/TV Show Heroine.

Number 1:

Rosemary Leveaux Coulter.
 I know, I know. Shrieky, pushy, nosy, manipulative, somewhat mean, Rosemary.
 Buuut she's also got a good side. She can be kind, caring and even loveable.
Rosemary made the list because I'm always so inspired by her. When she wants something, she goes out and gets it. She fights for what she believes in, and she is insanely strong and fierce.

Number 2:

Lorelai Gilmore.
 How could Lorelai not make the list?
Yes, she can't keep a guy around longer than a few months. Yes, she has an insanely bad relationship with her parents.
But Lor is a fighter. She's strong, she's fierce, she has fire and spirit.
She's got a humor only a select few will understand.
 Lorelai fights for what she wants. And she raises her daughter that way.
 Even though this phrase was used for her daughter, Rory, it stands for her too: What she tackles, she conquers.

Number 3:
Bethany Hamilton.
I included a picture of the actress who plays Bethany Hamilton, and the real woman.
 Bethany is a huge inspiration.
  When so many of us would have just given up, she continued fighting.
 In case you don't know the story of Bethany Hamilton, I'll give a quick recap.
 When Bethany was 14 (I think) she was out surfing. A shark attacked her and she lost her left arm. Instead of allowing her loss to rule her life, she's used it to inspire and encourage others toward Christ.
See? Amazing. :)

Number 4:

Ziva David.
This girl doesn't just have a fiery soul, she's got the moves too.
She can beat the crap out of any man 3x her size and look great doing it.
Now, I haven't seen the newest episodes yet, so DON'T GIVE ANY SPOILERS.

I'm sorry but I don't have a number five. I honestly can't think of one.
I don't watch a lot of TV and movies so I have trouble with these XD

  Be sure to check out Erudessa's post!

❓ Who are your favorite heroines?

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