Wednesday, April 3, 2019

True by S.E Clancy (Book Review)

About the book:

 Traded away as a young girl by her father, True relies on no one but herself. She knows the enemy army is coming—General Kohl repeats it each night, after he puts the money on her bedside table. 

When two foreigners show up at her door, True hides the men from the soldiers who arrive with a presidential search warrant. Colonel Holoke vows her life will be spared, along with any family members who are inside her house, when his army returns. The rest of the city will be annihilated. 

True must reconcile with her father’s disastrous choice and convince the family who turned a blind eye to save their lives. But as drones arrive and circle the city, True’s trust in Holoke’s God is tested as the walls to her city tumble down.

 My thoughts: 4.5/5 stars

This is a contemporary  biblical retelling. 
Trigger warning: True is a prostitute. (Because Rehab was a prostitute. If you're unfamiliar with the story of Rehab I suggest you read Joshua chapter 2.)
 There was a little more detail than I'd like in the scenes where True was working.

 This novella was a combination between old and new. It was modern but it didn't feel modern. 

 I felt the story progressed at the right pace.  It wasn't too fast but it was not slow.

 The characters were interesting! It was nice to see things from True's perspective (the Rahab character). The reason why she lived the way she did.
In the Bible we aren't actually given Rehab's back story, so it was nice to get some perspective from this retelling.

 I love True overcomes her past. She realizes she has the right to hold a grudge, and for so long, she did. But underneath her profession, underneath her mask, she's a good person.
 One I'm sad to see go.

I definitely recommend this book!!

You can get your copy of True on Amazon

Thanks so much to Sarah for reaching out to me about reviewing True! I loved it!

* I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. *

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