Monday, April 29, 2019

Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl's Heart: Discovering the Beauty and Freedom of God-Defined Sexuality, Kristen Clark, Bethany Beal (Book Review)

About the book:

Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl's Heart: Discovering the Beauty and Freedom of God-Defined Sexuality

For the modern Christian woman living in today's sexually charged society, embracing God's design for sex and purity can often feel like an impossible pursuit. As the culture seeks to normalize things such as pornography, erotica, and casual sex, both single and married women of all ages feel immense pressure to conform. With alluring temptations constantly inviting them to join in, they might even begin to question whether God's design is truly good. They wrestle with questions like

- What is the purpose of my sexuality?
- What does it mean to pursue purity?
- Are my sexual longings good or bad?

In this encouraging book, Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal share honestly about their own struggles and victories, and invite women on a personal journey to discover and reclaim a biblical vision for their sexuality. Kristen and Bethany help women understand why God's design for sexuality is good, relevant, and leads to true hope and lasting freedom.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

Sex, Purity and the Longings of a Girl's Heart isn't a light read! Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal dig deep into the hush-hush topics.
All the things you thought you knew, all the things you didn't know, and all the things you need to know are talked about in an open and honest way. 
All these things are talked about in an amazing and Biblical perspective. When you read SPLGH, you're introduced to God's actual intention for sex, purity and the longings of your heart. 

These sisters made me feel a closeness to Christ and other Christians that I haven't felt in a long time. It made me feel not so alone in this big, ugly world, and that touched my heart. There are other women in this world that struggle with the same things I do, not just with the topics Clark and Beal covered  but with so many other things. 

Through this book I was able to connect with so many amazing and different women, I was truly blessed by it. 

  Though I haven't struggled with most of what the authors talked about, I was given new perspective; I am not the gold star Christian girl I think I thought I was. I have sinned. I am broken. I'm am definitely imperfect and full of flaws. But that's okay. Because God restores me. He accepts my brokenness and desires me to live for Him.

 "Apart from Christ, our hearts aren't going to lead us toward truth, righteousness, or freedom. (Jer. 17:9) Our hearts are actively deceiving us; therefore we should be wary of staking our entire identity. In the basis of how we feel."

    "Sexuality has been so chopped up, reshaped,         and altered that it looks very different from              what God originally designed it to be. We, as             humankind, have strayed so far from God’s             original purpose and intent for our sexuality           that most of us have accepted the chopped-up         version as normal. Without the original design       in view, we no longer know what’s right. We           no longer know what’s good. Sex is no longer           linked to marriage. Truth is no longer linked to       God. As a result, we’re pursuing a myriad of           personal choices regarding our sexuality                 without a compass guiding us to true north.            The way we navigate our sexuality today is             similar to someone trying to put together an           extremely complex puzzle without the photo on      the box to guide them."

My favorite message from this book? 👇👇

"Just as Jesus loved and welcomed this sexually broken woman in the New Testament, (Luke chapter 7), He is still welcoming sexually broken women today. Just as He gave the prostitute woman a new identity and future, He is doing the same for us today. Jesus welcomes the hurting. He invites the weary. He takes what is broken and shattered and makes it whole again. Our brokenness doesn’t render us useless to God; rather , we become a beautiful display of His amazing grace."

  I was so touched by the power in this book that gave me a very needed reminder of how Christ sees me, that I cried. He's beautiful. He's love is beautiful. His forgiveness and mercy is beautiful. I am beautiful, because of Him. It touched my heart and soul deeply.

 I 1000% recommend this book. It's absolutely amazing and I hope it will touch you as deeply as it did me.
Go grab your copy of Sex, Purity and the Longings of a Girl's Heart now!!

**Thanks so much to the authors/publisher who gave me a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was no way obligated to leave a positive review.**

~Rebekah ❤️❤️

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