Monday, April 15, 2019

The Best of Intentions by Susan Anne Mason (Book Review)

About the book:
 In the aftermath of tragedy, Grace hopes to reclaim her nephew from the relatives who rejected her sister because of her class. Under an alias, she becomes her nephew's nanny to observe the formidable family up close. Unexpectedly, she begins to fall for the boy's guardian, who is promised to another. Can Grace protect her nephew . . . and her heart?

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

This book was fun, intense, meaningful and beautiful. 

 I adored the relationships among Grace, Andrew and Virginia. 

 Andrew was kind and most of the time a gentleman. Though he did become a jerk later on. (more about that later.)

 Grace, a lovely, and humble lady.  Though she was not always gracious. She made mistakes like everyone else.

  Their love was sweet yet forbidden. But not even Drew's father's social standards could keep them from falling for each other. Hard and fast. 

  I'm not gonna lie, there were times I hated Andrew. He was a jerk for most the back half of the book. I almost wanted him to suffer the terrible fate he'd created from his own hands. THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T TRUST GOD WITH YOUR FUTURE!!! 
   Andrew needed a good purse whacking and I wished someone would have given it to him. 

 I did feel the drama dragged on. I wasn't sure where things would end up but I was very content with the ending. 

 So why did I dislike Andrew most of the time? 
 Because he could forgive everyone but Grace. He perceived her to be a perfect person. And when he learned she was only human, he was disappointed he was wrong, and took it out on her! 

 I was a little disappointed by the lack of faith content, and honestly, if the characters had been more faithful, I believe things would have turned out differently. 

 I did absolutely adore Susan's writing style and her amazing ability to draw a reader in. 

 Trigger warning: there was a pretty intense kissing scene. Other than that it was clean! 

Grab your copy of The Best of Intentions!

Thanks so much to Bethany House for a free ecopy of this book.
*I was given a free copy of this in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way, obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.*

1 comment:

  1. Great book review!


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