Monday, April 15, 2019

The Golden Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse (Book Review)

About the book:

 Can Olivia survive the crime and Gold Rush fever of 1849...and the countless marriage proposals?
A series for fans of all things related to history, romance, adventure, faith, and family trees.

The Daughters of the Mayflower series continues when Olivia Brighton finds herself widowed and working in her brother’s restaurant in San Francisco during the height of the rush for gold. Even though she receives at least twenty marriage proposals a day, she will never marry a gold miner. Her brother’s friend Joseph Sawyer has gotten caught up in local politics and the plight of Chinese in forced labor. The more Joseph gets pulled into investigating crime in the city, the less Olivia sees of the compassionate man. And just when she thinks she could love again, a fire threatens to steal all hope.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

  Kimberley Woodhouse does it again!
Interesting historical facts delivered in an amazing way, feisty characters, and a sweet love story!
 Evil villains, beautiful (clean) romance and history galore run rampant in Woodhouse's newest novel. And I must say, she did not disappoint!

 This book, I think, is my favorite of this author's!
   I loved the characters; the story was amazing as usual, though difficult to read at times. Woodhouse captured 1849, San Francisco in all its real hardship. I was surprised to learn it was very much like "modern" day Sodom and Gomorrah.

 As always with Kimberley Woodhouse's books I learned an abundance (Thanks for writing amazing stories that count as my history lesson for the day!)

 My heart soared and melted with the cute scenes of Olivia and Joseph! 
 But they weren't all cute. Woodhouse went into deep topics (though I was shocked to discover she didn't write all the horrific details, I shuddered and cried at what she did write ) with this newest installment of "The Mayflower Brides Collection."
   Human slave trade, terrible sin, greed, this author is not afraid to speak about the things we shy away from.

 In the midst of these difficult topics there was light hearted banter, a sweet brother/sister relationship, and a sweet, sweet love story, not just man/woman but Child/God.

 Olivia and Joseph (and Daniel because I liked him too much not to mention!) were relatable, encouraging, and inspired me to deepen my faith in Christ.
 I appreciate the life lessons Woodhouse weaves into her stories, I'm always so blessed by her writing.

I can't tell you the number of times I sighed with delight and contentment  
 I was really into these characters and this story, I'm heart broken to let them go. But the ending could not have been more beautiful.
I leave with a full and happy heart, with a love bursting for these new friends that will forever live in my heart. 

Definitely, definitely don't miss The Golden Bride!


**Thank you so much to the author/publisher for a free copy of this book. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely by own. **

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