Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Book review for, 'Tacos For Two,' by Betsy St. Amant.


About the book:

Rory Perez, a food truck owner who can't cook, is struggling to keep the business she inherited from her aunt out of the red--and an upcoming contest during Modest's annual food truck festival seems the best way to do it. The prize money could finally give her a solid financial footing and keep her cousin with special needs paid up at her beloved assisted living home. Then maybe Rory will have enough time to meet the man she's been talking to via an anonymous online dating site.

Jude Strong is tired of being a puppet at his manipulative father's law firm, and the food truck festival seems like the perfect opportunity to dive into his passion for cooking and finally call his life his own. But if he loses the contest, he's back at the law firm for good. Failure is not an option.

Complications arise when Rory's chef gets mono and she realizes she has to cook after all. Then Jude discovers that his stiffest competition is the same woman he's been falling for online the past month.

Will these unlikely chefs sacrifice it all for the sake of love? Or will there only ever be tacos for one?

My thoughts: 3/5 stars

You want to know what I'm best at? Getting books for review and then completely forgetting about reading and reviewing them. 😬 So sadly to say I have not yet finished Tacos for Two. But I'll be reviewing what I have read.

I really, really wanted to love Tacos For Two. Betsy St. Amant is a new to me author and her book sounded absolutely adorable! Maybe it's just a rough beginning but I can't say that I'm really enjoying the story. The story line is absolutely adorable! You've Got Mail is one of my favorite movies so you'd think I'd love a book inspired by the same concept. I didn't really vibe well with the writing style or Rory. But I'm still willing to give it another go. I haven't read all that much so take what I say with a grain of salt.

**I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. I was in no way required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Take a deep breath and remember how much you are loved.


Book review for, 'A View Most Glorious,


About the book:

Headstrong Coraline Baxter has worked all her life to be more than the spoiled socialite others expect. When her fellow suffragettes in Tacoma, Washington, suggest that she should climb to the top of Mount Rainier to prove that a woman can do anything, she instantly resolves to do it. And if she can climb Mount Rainier, her mother promises to stop pressuring her to get married to the wealthy Cash Kincaid. All Cora needs is a guide to get her to the top of the mountain.

Nathan Hardee may look like a mountain man, but he once ruled the halls of high society. He left all that behind after his father broke under financial pressure from Kincaid. To best Kincaid now, Nathan agrees to guide Cora up the mountain.

Climbing Rainier will require all of Cora's strength and will lead her and Nathan to rediscover their faith in God and humanity. These two loners make unlikely partners in righting a wrong and may just discover that only together is the view most glorious.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

A book about a strong independent woman fighting for women's rights? Um, count me in! I absolutely love reading about the suffragettes. And I think Regina Scott absolutely nailed this book. I adored Cora and Nathan and their glorious adventure.

 As this small band of travelers make their way up Mount Rainier they made their way in to my heart. Our dear Mr Winston and Waldo were so sweet!

My favorite part however was seeing how beautiful worship to our Father can be. The way Nathan loved God and taught Cora to do the same just filled my heart and made it double in size. It made me want to climb a mountain, too!

Overall the book was adventurous, had amazing writing and incredible faith content. I highly recommend!

**I received this book from the publisher for review. I was in no way required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Take a deep breath, love. Remember you are worthy and beloved.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Book review for, "The Healing of Natalie Curtis," by Jane Kirkpatrick

About the book:

Classically trained pianist and singer Natalie Curtis isolated herself for five years after a breakdown just before she was to debut with the New York Philharmonic. Guilt-ridden and songless, Natalie can't seem to recapture the joy music once brought her. In 1902, her brother invites her to join him in the West to search for healing. What she finds are songs she'd never before encountered--the haunting melodies, rhythms, and stories of Native Americans.

But their music is under attack. The US government's Code of Offenses prohibits American's indigenous people from singing, dancing, or speaking their own languages as the powers that be insist on assimilation. Natalie makes it her mission not only to document these songs before they disappear but to appeal to President Teddy Roosevelt himself, who is the only man with the power to repeal the unjust law. Will she succeed and step into a new song . . . and a new future?

Award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick weaves yet another lyrical tale based on a true story that will keep readers captivated to the very end.

My thoughts: 4/5 stars

The Healing of Natalie Curtis.

It's hit or miss with Jane Kirkpatrick for me. I either absolutely adore her story, or it's just not for me. But this one was luckily a hit! The Healing of Natalie Curtis was so interesting. I loved the characters and the story. Natalie's adventure caught my attention from the very first page.

One of my favorite things is history, so learning about the old west and the Indians was extremely fascinating to me.

Definitely recommend!

**I was given a free copy of this book from the publisher. A positive review was not required. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Take a deep breath today❤️


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Book review for, "A Deep Divide," by Kimberley Woodhouse

About the book:

After being kidnapped as a child, heiress Emma Grace McMurray has seen firsthand the devastation that greed causes in the world, and she wants nothing to do with it--including her father's offering her hand in a business deal. She sneaks away to be a Harvey Girl at the El Tovar Grand Canyon Hotel, planning to stay hidden even if it means always looking over her shoulder.

Ray Watkins arrives at the hotel wanting to impress his father by finding success on his own. Then maybe he can take on more of the family business and do something good with the profits.

Ray immediately admires Emma Grace, and though a friendship forms, she's afraid he's just like every other wealthy man she's known. Then art and jewels go missing from El Tovar and the nearby Hopi House, a mystery that pulls them in and stirs up their worst fears. When shocking revelations come to light, they'll have to question all they thought to be true.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

Reading a Kimberley Woodhouse novel is like getting a history lesson. Except history is your favorite subject and it's taught by your favorite teacher.

I love every story Woodhouse has told. There's always a lovely cast of characters and a riveting story line. She always includes action, love and faith. And honestly, can you get much better than that? 
  My heart went out so much for Emma Grace. At one point I had to set the book down and I told my sister I was done (I obviously wasn't) because of the hurt she had to endure. The hurt inflicted on her by the men who were supposed to protect her.  But with grace she rose above it all and became someone to be proud of. 

  I truly loved Ray as well. The way he was so confident until it came to Miss McMurray was adorable. He had so much growth and I really enjoyed seeing it. 

 The story kept me on my toes for sure. I loved the mystery of the whole thing. It had me turning the pages until sadly I came to the end. I feel as if I never get enough of Woodhouse’s books! 

 I was so happy to hear that this book was a Harvey House girl, it's a storyline I would love to see more of! Learning about the El Tovar and the Grand Canyon was incredible. And I know Woodhouse has visited the places she writes about so I felt as though I was there. One day I'm definitely going to visit. 

Also I may have left this book with many opened tabs on the Grand Canyon, the El Tovar and the Kolb brothers. Seriously if you check this book out definitely listen to the authors note and check this stuff out. It's so interesting!! 

I mean look at that!! If you want to know more about the two men in that photo than I highly recommend checking out A Deep Divide!

  I never leave a Woodhouse novel without feeling encouraged in my faith. No matter what, God always uses her books to help me in my season of faith. Somehow I'm always going through something similar as one of the characters... Gotta be a God thing. But it's by far my favorite thing about reading these books!!

About the author:

Kimberley Woodhouse is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than twenty-five books. A lover of history and research, she often gets sucked into the past and then her husband has to lure her out with chocolate and the promise of eighteen holes on the golf course. She loves music, kayaking, and her family. Her books have been awarded the Carol Award, Holt Medallion, Reader's Choice Award, Selah Award, Spur Award, and others. A popular speaker/teacher, she's shared with over 1,000,000 people at more than twenty-five hundred venues across the country. Married to the love of her life for three decades, she lives and writes in the Poconos where she's traded in her hat of "craziest mom" for "coolest grandma." Connect with Kim at

**I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher. I was in no way required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own.**

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Book review for, "Since You've Been Gone," by Tari Faris.


About the book: 

Leah Williams is back in the quaint town of Heritage, Michigan, and ready to try again to make her business a success. But blank slates are hard to come by, and a piece of her past is waiting for her there. Heir to the Heritage Fruits company, Jonathan Kensington is the guy who not only made Leah's past difficult, he also seems determined to complicate her present as well.

Jon is trying to prove to the Heritage Fruits board that he, not his manipulative uncle, should be running the business. The board insists Jon find a new owner for the building that will house Leah's business. To avoid forcing a buyout of Leah's part of the building, Jon strikes a compromise with Leah, and the two go into business together. With her vision and his know-how, it might work. And Leah might realize he's loved her since high school. If only he didn't keep on shooting himself in the foot by boxing her out of important decisions.

Sparks fly in this romantic story of two people who must learn to trust both each other and the one who called them to this journey.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

I was so excited to read Tari Faris's newest book because she always does such an amazing job. She writes quirky, fun and lovable characters. And her storylines are always top notch. 

 Since You've Been Gone is a story of two couples; four individuals struggling with their pasts, their faith, and romance. I was only expecting a story about Leah and Jon but Madison and Coby's story was just as lovely. I love when authors write in difficult tropes such as pregnancy, abuse and substance abuse. 

 Leah and Jon have a difficult past together. As in where one person thinks the other is bullying them but the person's words are actually just coming out all twisted... Yeah, Sounds like a slippery slope. But I loved seeing how they overcame these issues. Yes, they let them get in the way a lot of times, but in the end they learned how to forgive and trust. 

And their love story gave me all the butterflies. My favorite part of this book, of the whole series really is that the books aren't just romance. They are friendships. They are relationships with God. They are advice and inspiration. I love a book that gives a lesson.

I loved Madison's storyline. She's a girl who's been misunderstood her entire life. She was treated unfairly. And in turn it made her treat other's unfairly. But I loved her redemption story so much. She struggles with self worth. And when you're told your whole life you're not good enough you start to believe it. But I loved watching her love and be loved. Her realization that she is good enough, that she is worthy and wanted by a good Father was just heartwarming. And getting to see how Coby comes in to her life and remind her of all those things was incredible. 

I love the whole storyline about Leah and Jon re-opening Leah's grandparents' business. Because nothing says disaster like a man scorned and an angry woman going in to business together. Their arguments were oftentimes amusing and heartbreaking. Seriously, how can two people have so much miscommunication? I was just glad they always kiss and make up!

 I recommend this book for anyone looking to fall in love with a small town full of quirky characters, a good Jesus story and a guaranteed happily ever after.

Disclaimer: there are some pretty heavy kissing scenes but nothing else concerning. 

Purchase link

**I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. all thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.**

Question of the day: What book/series do you recommend for a good quirky town?

I hope you are having a lovely day. Don't forget to take a second to breathe. Even God rested.


Monday, August 2, 2021

Let's talk re-reads!

  Do you like to re-read favorite books? I know the arguments: who's got the time? Why would you waste your free time on a book you already know the ending too instead of reading a brand new, intriguing book? 

 Re-reading books and re-watching old tv shows is the same for me- comforting. When you feel anxious and depressed it can be so nice to just read (or watch) something you already know the ending to. No worry. No added stress cause you get to skip past your least favorite parts. 

Here are four books I've re-read the most:

Secrets, by Robin Jones Gunn. 

Jessica ran from her past...but can she hide from love?

Jessica Morgan wants desperately to forget the past and begin a new life. She chooses a small, peaceful town tucked away in Oregon’s Willamette Valley as the place to start over—Glenbrooke. Once there, Jessica conceals her identity from the intriguing personalities she meets—including the compassionate paramedic who desires to protect her and the jealous woman who wants nothing more than to destroy her.

Will Jessica’s deceit ruin all hope for the future? Or will she find a deeper peace that allows her to stop hiding the truth from those who love her most of all?

This heartwarming bestseller, book one in the Glenbrooke series, introduces the fascinating people of Glenbrooke in a compelling tale of romance and spiritual truth. 


Secrets is just the most incredible, satisfying book I've ever read. I still get butterflies with every re-read! And the beginning- oh man does it start out with a bang! I think that literally everyone needs to read this masterpiece. It's on my top five of favorite books.

Here is the purchase link for you guys who I know are intrigued by this killer opening!

Marrying Miss Marshal, by Lacy Williams. 

She's no lady...

Danna Carpenter is town marshal. And a darn good one. Even if she has to handle saloon brawls and rustlers alone. Who needs deputies anyway? All right, she’d welcome the help if any of the men in town would offer it. When a bank robbery goes bad, she has no choice but to accept the help of a city slicker...

He’s on a quest for revenge.

Chas O'Grady came West in search of cattle rustlers and found himself on the trail of a killer--one who took everything from him. Crossing paths with the pretty marshal was happenstance, but he can't leave her deputy-less when she’s facing such grave danger.

Everything changes when Chas and Danna are stranded together in a snowstorm. The town council forces a marriage. And attraction turns to something more...

Will Chas give up his quest for revenge? Or will he lose the woman he loves forever?

MARRYING MISS MARSHAL is a Wild West marriage of convenience story.


 Y'all already know I'm sucker for marriage of convenience stories. But this one is by far my favorite of any I've read. I could never get tired of Chas and Danna's beautiful love story. I stayed up all night to finish it the first time I read it and I immediately wanted to start it pver. Again, I still get butterflies with every re-read. Speaking of, I think it's time to crack open the cover again, haha.

Here's the purchase link!

Christmas Letters, by Debbie Macomber. 

Katherine O'Connor often spends her days at a cozy cafe on Blossom Street in Seattle--where she writes Christmas letters for other people. She's good at making their everyday lives sound more interesting. More humorous. More dramatic. But for Dr. Wynn Jeffries, who also frequents the cafe, Christmas means lies and deception. In fact, the renowned child psychologist recommends that parents bury Santa under the sleigh. Katherine, however, feels that his parenting philosophy is one big mistake--at least, based on her five-year-old twin nieces, who are being raised according to his Free Child methods. She argues with Wynn about his theories, while he argues that her letters are nothing but lies. They disagree about practically everything--and yet, somehow, they don't really want to stop arguing. As the days--and nights--move closer to Christmas, Katherine and Wynn both discover that love means accepting your differences. And Christmas is about the things you share....


A girl who's first love is Christmas and a guy who thinks the holiday should be put to death. What could go wrong? But even better, what could go right? This is the most adorable Christmas book I've ever read. I re-read it every year.  Wynn and KO's love story is filled with hilarious bickering as they work to overcome their differences when it seems like fate just keeps pushing them together, It's frustrating for the couple to say the least, but oh boy is it entertaining for us readers!

Disclaimer: This book is secular with some intense kissing scenes.

Purchase link

Love Finds You In Sunset Beach, Hawaii, by Robin Jones Gunn. 

Sierra came to Sunset Beach for relaxation--not for world-class surfing and certainly not for romance! When a wealthy friend offers Sierra Jensen a vacation at an oceanfront beach house, she envisions a quiet retreat where she can plan her next move. Instead, she arrives at the start of the noisy surfing competitions and is surprised to learn that her friend had an ulterior motive--namely, introducing Sierra to Jordan Bryce, the tenant staying below them. Jordan is a photographer whose lens and attention are focused on the surfers, and he is not willing to let anyone get in his way of landing the next cover shot for Surf Days magazine. Sierra and Jordan came to Sunset Beach looking for different things. But as the surf pounds the North Shore, will they discover something better than either of them had imagined?


LFYI Sunset Beach, Hawaii is technically part of a series (The Sierra Jensen series) but can be read as a stand alone. I've adored Sierra since her high school days. All her crushes and boyfriends through-out the years do not compare to Jordan.

 Jordan is just the most perfect person for our Sierra. It was so incredible to see her get her happy ending. This is an incredible story about love, friendships, adventure, and a new found love for God. I seriously recommend this story.

Here is the purchase link.

Have you read any of these books? Do you like to re-read and what are your favorite books to re-read?

I hope you take the time to just breathe today.

- Rebekah.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Book review for, "To the Uttermost," by Kristina Hall.


About the book:

How far will he take his quest for vengeance? Owen Lockart will track down and kill the man who murdered his three brothers and left him to die in the Colorado wilderness. And no one will get in his way.Sally Reiner doesn't know a stranger. She thinks nothing of befriending Owen, her family's new ranch hand. Little does she know he's won her trust to gain information about her no-good murderer of a brother.

Will deceit and vengeance destroy Sally and Owen, or will they trust in the only One Who is able to deliver them?

My thoughts: 4/5 stars

 I have a fondness of books that get right to the point. Dragging things out just isn't always my style. So I was very pleased that To the Uttermost started out with almost immediate action and danger.

Gun fights, outlaws, and cowboys are three of my favorite things in stories. So I enjoyed Kristina Halls story about all three!

I didn't instantly connect with Sally, but more with Owen. He's got a self inflicted purpose that pushes him to his limits. And watching him come to terms with the fact that it's not the purpose God gave him was pretty cool.

Although, Owen called Sally infuriating, it was he that was such. He blames Sally for things she has no control over. And I never quite understood that anger. But he did redeem himself in end.

There wasn't a lot of romance but Sally and Owen definitely had some sparks. (even though they'd both deny it)

At first I wasn't sure how I felt about To the Uttermost but I came to really enjoy it and get into it. It had a really good storyline, deep characters, and the best faith content.

I was really encouraged on my walk with the Lord through these characters and their respective walks. The way they all cherished their relationship with God and each other just made me realize that I was lacking in my own. And how badly I wanted to change that. And any book that changes my relationship with the Lord for the better is a good book to me.

100% clean and 100% recommend.

**I was given a free copy of the book by the author. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.**

Here is the purchase link! :)

As always, I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend. Take care of your mental health this week. <3


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Book review for, "Along a Storied Trail," by Ann. H. Gabhart.


About the book:

Kentucky packhorse librarian Tansy Calhoun doesn't mind the rough trails and long hours as she serves her Appalachian mountain community during the Great Depression. Yet she longs to find love like the heroines in her books. When a charming writer comes to town, she thinks she might have found it--or is the perfect man actually closer than she thinks?

Perdita Sweet has called these mountains home for so long she's nearly as rocky as the soil around her small cabin. Long ago she thought she could love, but when the object of her affection up and married someone else, she stopped giving too much of herself away to others.

As is so often the case, it's easier to see what's best for others than to see what's best for oneself, and Perdita knows who Tansy should choose. But why would anyone listen to the romantic advice of an old spinster?

Saddle up for a heartfelt story of love--love of family, love of place, and the love of a lifetime--from bestselling author Ann H. Gabhart.

My thoughts: 4/5 stars

Along a Storied Trail is very much like "The Waltons." which I grew up watching and loving!

 The mountain people were so fun to get to know and learn their stories. 

The writing wasn't my absolute favorite but it was very fitting to the story. The story line was cute and I was very interested in the traveling librarians. I absolutely loved learning about that part of history!

I must confess I did not have time to finish the story before the review was due. But I'll definitely be finishing it soon!

**I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own. A positive review was in no way required.**


Friday, June 25, 2021

Book review for, "A Lady in Attendance," by Rachel Fordham


About the book:

Five years in a New York state reformatory have left a blemish on Hazel's real name. So when she takes a job as Doctor Gilbert Watts's lady in attendance in 1898, she does so under an alias. In the presence of her quiet and pious employer, Hazel finds more than an income. She finds a friend and a hope that if she can set her tarnished past in order, she might have a future after all.

As Gilbert becomes accustomed to the pleasant chatter of his new dental assistant, he can't help but sense something secretive about her. Perhaps there is more to this woman than meets the eye. Can the questions that loom between them ever be answered? Or will the deeds of days gone by forever rob the future of its possibilities?

Rachel Fordham pens a tender tale of a soft-spoken man, a hardened woman, and the friends that stand by them as they work toward a common purpose--to expunge the record of someone society deemed beyond saving--and perhaps find love along the way.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

I absolutely love Rachel Fordham's books. I love that she goes out of the norm. Instead of the perfectly symmetrical, no flaws characters you so often find, she writes completely original characters. Which I think makes her stories so much more relatable and realistic.
 I have to admit, I was slightly weary to start this story. Gilbert isn't your usual hero. And I do love me a good hero. But I fell so in love with this guy!
   He was so caring and sweet. He instantly had my heart. He's a quiet, gentle protector. And I think those types of heros are so important and underrated.

(also I'm afraid of going to the dentist and I think that should be noted. LOL😂)

As for Hazel, I quickly fell in love with her as well. I loved that even as a woman of the late 1800s she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself. I love, love, love characters with a complicated back story. I adore seeing their growth from the person they once were. And Hazel had major, and satisfying growth.

 I loved the gentle love story, of not only lovers but of friends.

A Lady in Attendance is filled with sweet friendships, quick wit and near kisses. I truly never wanted it to end.

I look forward to more of Rachel Fordham's books!

 Here is the Purchase link for anyone interested! :) 
 And here is the author's Website!

**I was given a free copy of the book by the publisher. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.**

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Book review for, "Come Back to Me," by Jody Hedlund.

About the book:

The ultimate cure that could heal any disease? Crazy.

That's exactly what research scientist Marian Creighton has always believed about her father's quest, even if it does stem from a desire to save her sister Ellen from the genetic disease that stole their mother from them. But when her father falls into a coma after drinking a vial of holy water believed to contain traces of residue from the Tree of Life, Marian must question all of her assumptions. He's left behind tantalizing clues that suggest he's crossed back in time. Insane. Until Marian tests his theories and finds herself in the Middle Ages during a dangerous peasant uprising.

William Durham, a valiant knight comes to Marian's rescue and offers her protection . . . as his wife. The longer Marian stays in the past, the more she cares about William. Can she ever find her father and make it back to the present to heal her sister? And when the time comes to leave, will she want to?

Bestselling author Jody Hedlund is your guide down the twisting waters of time to a volatile era of superstition, revolts, and chivalry in this suspenseful story.

My thoughts: 3/5 

 I had some difficulty getting in to Come Back to Me. There was a lot of technical talk and I honestly had trouble understanding. I found it kind of difficult to connect to some of the characters.

 I had no problem with the writing style, I think Jody Hedlund is quite talented! I just didn't connect with the book as much as I thought I would.

 I did not finish the book at this time but I do see myself giving it a second chance in the future.

  I always feel so bad leaving a more "negative" review because I know how much work authors put in and how their book comes from such a special part in their heart.
But I honestly think other people would really enjoy this book, just wasn't really my cup of tea.

**I was given a free copy of this book from the publisher. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.**

 As always, have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Book review for, "Bridge of Gold," by Kimberley Woodhouse


Happy release day of Bridge of Gold!! 

About the book:

Repairs on the Golden Gate Bridge Uncover a Century-Old Murder


Walk through Doors to the Past via a new series of historical stories of romance and adventure.


Underwater archaeologist Kayla Richardson is called to the Golden Gate Bridge where repairs to one of the towers uncovers two human remains from the late 1800s and the 1930s. The head of the bridge restoration is Steven Michaels, who dives with Kayla, and a friendship develops between them. But as the investigation heats up and gold is found that dates back to the gold rush, more complications come into play that threaten them both. Could clues leading to a Gold Rush era mystery that was first discovered during the building of the bridge still ignite an obsession worth killing for?

My thoughts: 5/5

 I love time split novels. So a time split novel by one of my favorite authors? Count me in!!

I fell in love on the first page. There were characters I instantly connected with, an epic story all about an interesting period in history.

 I love that Kimberley Woodhouse is such a history buff. Her passion for the subject adds such a rich element to every story she tells. As a fellow history lover, I've learned so many fascinating things!

 I never wanted to put the book down honestly. I finished it in two sittings. The story was fast paced, intriguing, and had me turning pages long into the night.

 Kayla and Steven's love story was the sweet, comforting type. And it was such a healthy relationship! It was honestly super refreshing.

 But it was the mystery and the suspense that had my heart. It was so good! It had me devouring every word.

I encourage anyone looking for, Historical, Christian, romance, mystery to go check out Bridge of Gold! 100% clean. 

Please check out the books Launch page where you can find purchase links as well as the authors social media links.

 As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read this review! I hope you do something today that makes you happy. 

Love, Rebekah. 

**I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.**

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Book review for, "Unknown Threat," by Lynn H. Blackburn


About the book:

US Secret Service Special Agent Luke Powell is lucky to be alive. Three of his fellow agents have died in unusual circumstances in the past ten weeks. Luke is devastated by the loss of his friends and colleagues, and his inability to locate the killer feels like a personal failure. He's an expert at shielding others, but now the protectors are in need of protection.

FBI Special Agent Faith Malone is driven to succeed and confident in her ability to solve every case she's assigned. She's been put in charge of the investigation into the unprecedented attacks, and with Luke's life in danger, the stakes have never been higher. But it's hard to know how to fight back when you don't know who the enemy is.

As more agents are targeted, Luke and Faith will have to work together to bring a killer to justice and prevent any more names from joining their fallen brothers and sisters on the Secret Service Wall of Honor.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars

Everytime I read one of Blackburn's book I rediscover how much of an awesome author she is. One of the best in the business at writing suspense, action, romance and Christianity.

Unknown Threat didn't disappoint, characters with layer after layer. And a plot that keeps thickening.

Faith and Luke had my attention at page one. 

Luke is this hard headed, secretive guy with a grudge against every FBI agent.

FBI agent Faith Malone is not the chick to mess with. She's as equally hard headed and refuses to be pushed around.

Now she's just gotta convince Luke she's not the enemy.

They work diligently on this case with twists and turns you don't see coming. 

  Luke and Faith's love story! I haven't read that kind of passion in awhile.

You know the love stories that give you butterflies in your tummy? This was definitely that!!

But the best part was that it never overshadowed the suspense and mystery. And the same vice versa. It was genius writing on Blackburn's behalf. Her writing style is always one of my favorites. I simply cannot wait for book two in the series !

Here is the Purchase link

** I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own. I was in no way required to give a positive review.**

I hope you guys are having a lovely week!


Monday, May 17, 2021

Book review for, "Summer time Lilies," by LM Karen.


About the book:

There are three things you should know about Brittany Masters:

1. She’s a single mom and a nurse manager at the local cancer clinic

2. She has big plans, a quiet summer

3. She’s convinced that fudge pops are the answer to almost all of life’s most important questions

 A new neighbor, Matt, making friends with her son while simultaneously pursuing a relationship with her blow plans for a predictable summer right out of the water. A chance meeting at the cancer clinic where she works renews a connection with an old friend and gives her the perspective she’s been missing. From quiet nights on her front porch swing in Matt’s company to long talks in the clinic with her old/new friend, Brittany’s summer is anything but routine.

My thoughts: 3.5/5 

I thought the story was super cute! Very lovable characters and a sweet love story.

 I felt it lacked some conflict, but that can be good sometimes. It is definitely a comfort read. Something you curl up in bed with hot cocoa to read. Except it's a summer story, so maybe curl up in bed with some iced tea!

 Brittney is a very strong and hard headed person. But that's why I love her. She's an awesome mama bear to sweet, energetic Grady.

And Matt fits right into their family dynamic. Matt was such a sweet, understanding guy. And that made this love story even better. He's for sure swoon worthy!

 I absolutely love the friendship between Matt's sister and Brittany. Literally everything you can want in a potential sister in law/best friend.

 Overall a sweet read! 

PSA there was minimal swearing and a mention of God's name in vain. But other than that a very clean read. 

Here's the Purchase link for anyone interested! :) 

As well as the Author's website/newsletter sign-up

Her Facebook and her Instagram

  Thanks so much for reading! I hope you guys do something that makes you happy today. 



Thursday, April 22, 2021

Book review for "Endless Mercy," by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse.


**if you haven't read the first in the series and are planning to, there are spoilers in the synopsis ⬇️**

About the book:

Madysen Powell has always been a forgiving person, but when her supposedly dead father shows up in Nome, Alaska, her gift for forgiveness is tested. With the recent loss of her mother, she searches for answers, leaning on Granny Beaufort, a neighbor in town, who listens with a kind heart. Still, Madysen is restless and dreams of performing her music around the world. The arrival of a traveling show could prove just the chance she needs, and the manager promises more than she ever dreamed.

Daniel Beaufort arrives in Nome, searching for his own answers after the gold rush leaves him with only empty pockets. Still angry about the death of his loved ones, he longs to start fresh but doesn't have high hopes until he ends up helping at the Powell dairy making cheese. Drawn to the beautiful redhead with big dreams, will deceptions from the past tear apart any hope for the future?

My thoughts: 5/5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Let me start off by saying THIS WAS SO GOOD! 

I related so much to the characters, especially Daniel in his struggle with his relationship with the Lord. At one point in the book Daniel asks himself, "Why can't I be happy?" He feels so cynical about life and happiness. He doesn't truly know when his heart became so hardened. 

All my life I've been a bubbly, joyful person. But for some time now I've noticed these same qualities in Daniel, in myself. And neither of us want them. But thanks to this story I do feel so much closer to God and where I want to be. 

Then there's Madyen. Dealing with a plethora of hurt and anger. Especially towards her father. She's always been the forgiving type. She extends endless amounts of mercy, but does that length include her father? She struggles with feeling cared for and wanted, even while being surrounded by the people she loves the most. 

Like I said, I felt so connected to this group of people dealing with so many diverse but equally important issues. 

"For the first time her two worlds seemed to collide. The world where she lived and breathed, and the world of her dreams. She couldn't have both. She couldn't stay here with her family and sheep and travel and perform."

Not only is Maddy dealing with her forgiveness issues, she's come to a crossroads in her life. She wants a full and exciting life. But she's also terrified to be separated from her family. And all I can say is, I feel ya, babe. 

One thing I absolutely loved and adored about Maddy was how vivacious and cheery she was. Through everything she remained inspiringly full of joy.  Daniel and Maddy's love story had some difficulties for sure, but overall they had a sweet, humor filled relationship. It felt like a breath of fresh air. 

 Of course I learned so much from this story. Peterson and Woodhouse's novels always feel like a history lesson from the cool teacher. Honestly, the learning is one of my favorite parts about reading their books! 

  I've said it before and I'll say it again- Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse know how to give a lesson in faith. Something I know to be a beautiful tribute to their own relationships with our heavenly Father. 

Reading their stories is always a gift from the Lord. It's like He's looking down at me and winking, saying, "Have I got a story for you!"                               Without fail I always find myself battling the same issues and heartaches, in some form or another, as as the new characters I meet. And I always leave the story for the better. Closer to my God and to healing. I will always find their books a blessing and a comfort. 

One of my favorite quotes:

"Like I said, I'm no theologian" - John leaned down to let his horse's neck- "but it seems to me that God needs us to show the people around us what a difference having a relationship with Him makes when we face the same hardships they do."

 I have to share a trigger warning. There is a sexual assault in this book. I know how traumatizing it can be to have absolutely no warning about it and just come across it. So please keep that in consideration.

As always, it's been lovely sharing my thoughts with you guys! I hope you do something today that's good for your mental health. 

Love, Rebekah. 

**I was given a free copy of this book from the author and exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are purely my own. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review.**

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

When you don't meet that Goodreads goal.

I'm not proud of the fact that I've missed a few deadlines here and there. I'm not proud of the fact that my Goodreads goal wasn't met the first year I tried it so I refused to make another one the next year. I'm not proud of the fact that it seems I can't put an ending to a story. I'm not proud of so many things.

 But you know what? I shouldn't be ashamed of those things either.

 I used to get so much anxiety over the things I would post here and on my bookstagram. If I didn't have the most perfectly shot and edited photo to post, I just wouldn't post anything. Or I would and I would write a degrading caption about myself and the photo. (Talk about annoying.) If I couldn't think of the best caption that would draw people's attention and make them want to comment, I wouldn't post.

Sometimes, my  posts flop. Sometimes I don't get any comments and only a few likes. And I start ragging on myself. "You used to do so much better before you took a break from posting" and "People don't want to comment and invest in your time because they know how shaky you've been with putting out content."

Do I actually think people are saying those things about me? No. Bookstagram and authorgram have led me to meet some of the most amazing people. People I know are way too kind to speak hurtfully behind my back. But those thoughts all lead back to anxiety.

 My struggle with anxiety and depression is something I'm fairly open about on my page. I don't like this thought that we should hide our feelings. But that's something society shoves down our throat. 

So my thought is don't be ashamed when you don't make a deadline. Don't feel terrible if your post flops on Instagram or you get little views on your blog post. Don't feel like you're a bad person if your Goodreads goal remains unmet for the next year and a half. (or whatever time line) IT'S OKAY.

You are only human. And sometimes our mental health takes priority over the expectations we put on ourselves. I hope I can convince you of that as much as I try to convince myself. 

Give yourself a break. You deserve it. This world is a crazy place full of unreachable expectations and our bodies need a chance to rest from that. 

I hope you guys are doing wonderful and do something today for your self care. 

Love, Rebekah. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Book review for, Forever Hidden by Tracie Peterson.


About the book:

For Havyn Powell, growing up on her grandfather Chuck Bondrant's dairy outside the 1904 gold-rush boomtown of Nome, Alaska, offered all she needed. She had the love of her mother, two sisters, and grandfather. But now, at 23, Havyn realizes the stability of her life may soon vanish. Havyn is determined to find a way to keep the family together, but her grandfather's health is declining and everyone seems to be holding secrets from each other, including the handsome, dark-haired stranger who recently arrived.

John Roselli arrives in Nome looking for a steady, consistent job. He has grown tired of the promises of getting rich quick and just wants an honest job with honest pay. His grandfather once knew a Chuck Bondrant, and so when John arrives at the dairy, he's quickly offered a job--and a path to more if he wants it.

Havyn's plan for helping out the family means using her beautiful singing voice and her sisters' musical talent at a local roadhouse. They're an immediate hit, and it looks like her plan will be a success. But the spotlight brings with it dangerous eyes that covet Havyn and are jealous as she and John grow ever closer. But will they realize the peril before it's too late?

My thoughts 5/5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

This is a story of forgiveness. With accounts told from first hand experiences from the authors. All told in a really incredible way. 

I became attached to the Powells and John Roselli very quickly. I'm so looking forward to book two! 

 I loved how passionate Hayvn and her sisters, Madysen and Whitney are. About music, and family and life. It really showed those things in a beautiful light. 

 I related a lot to Hayvn and her struggles. I found myself praying along with her. It seems whenever I read a tale told by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse I connect so so much to the characters troubles. And many times I'm able to heal along with them. That's my absolute favorite thing about this duo's books. I get so much inspiration and encouragement from the testimonies they write! 

  Plus there was a lot of cute chicken anecdotes thanks to Kimberley Woodhouse! 😂

  The only thing I didn't love was things started out a little slow and there wasn't a ton of drama. (But maybe I'm just too dramatic. 😆) 

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are completely my own. 

I hope you do something today that makes you happy! <3


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Book review for Marriage, Melodies and Rewritten Conclusions by V. Joy Palmer.

About the book:

Kaylee McGrurd feels like life has left her behind. Her best friends have all moved out, married, or are in the process of matrimony. Meanwhile, she’s lost another job, and her daily diet consists of noodles that are better suited as packing material.

Then Kaylee’s ex, Gabe Sanders, enters the equation.

Gabe walked out on Kaylee without warning or explanation nine years earlier, but now he’s been brought back to the area for the unforeseen future. And he’s in need of new lead vocalist for his wedding band.

A dwindling account balance calls for desperate measures, and Kaylee reluctantly accepts Gabe’s offer. While the former couple works together in the midst of happy marriages and heartfelt melodies, secrets and the need for forgiveness highlight the strife between them…and the hope that maybe God’s rewriting the conclusion to their story.

My thoughts: 5/5 stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

 A boy who doesn't believe in love and a hopelessly awkward girl who struggles with forgiveness. Definitely the makings of an epic story.

 Kaylee and Gabe's story is one I've been looking forward to since reading the start of this series. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint! It was everything I hoped for and more.

Quirky, humorous, filled with references I loved. And characters I fell head over heels in love with. 

This is a story of forgiveness and rekindling a love once lost. The love between man and woman intertwined with finding God's grace and redemption again. It was an incredible book. 

First of all, I'm experiencing major book hangover from this story. These were characters I'd bonded with and now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do knowing this was the last book I'll get to about their lives in.

 However, don't let that intimidate you. Yes, there are two books that come before this story, but they call all be read as standalone. 

"In a way it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who wears their " Christian" mask and hides their struggles and hurts. Is that horrible of me? It just helps me to know, to see, that the people I view as perfect and/or horrible are so much more. We've all got junk." - Kaylee Mcgrurd.

This story is filled with pearls of wisdom such as this. V. Joy Palmer's books never fail to make me feel seen. Her characters and their struggles really show life as a Christian perfectly. They show real doubts, and real struggles, and real pain.  But it always draws them back to the Lord. I love how the author deals with serious real life issues. Putting our own life experiences and "junk" into our stories really helps the reader connect. And that's something I love about these books. I felt so, so connected.

I 100% recommend Marriage, Melodies, and Rewritten Conclusions. As well as Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations; and Weddings, Willows, and Revised Expectations. All three books are super clean, very quick and fun reads with a lot of heart.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.

I hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night. Do something this week that brings you happiness. 💗

Always, Rebekah. 

Sunday, January 31, 2021

What I look for in books.


What I look for in books.

If you've read any of my reviews or seen my bookstagram you already know basically all I read is Christian fiction. Whether it be historical or contemporary. As long as it has Christian themes, I'm happy.

Now that's not to say that I wouldn't read secular fiction. I've read some and enjoyed it but there's just something about Christian fiction I like better.

The experiences the characters go through and the way they're centered around God always brings me back to His truth. Somehow I always find myself in the same situation and the same feelings as the characters I'm reading. If you've read Robin Jones Gunn's “Christy Miller” series as well as her “Katie Weldon” series you know what I'm talking about when I say that's a total God thing.

But that's one of my favorite things about CF. It's insane how much you can learn about your own life experiences through fictional characters.

But here's a more formal list of the things I look for in books.

  1. Clean content. I don't want to read sex scenes in the stories I'm sharing with my friends and family. A steamy kiss scene, I'll enjoy. But nothing more.

  2. Christian themes. Because I enjoy being reminded of Christ's love. And I learn so much!

  3. A lot of times I stick to authors I know. Comfort writers, if you will. Because I already know I can trust the content I'm consuming plus, I genuinely enjoy their stories.

  4. More story wise, I don't like when there is a huge cast of characters to keep up with. It's way to hard to keep up with everyone.

  5. A well rounded story. I don't know if that makes any sense. But I like a little bit of sadness and trials thrown in there. But I also enjoy humor and wit. And I really enjoy a good Come to Jesus story.

It's important to have authors you love and trust their stories. Here's a list of authors I auto read.

  1. Robin Jones Gunn.

  2. Tracie Peterson.

  3. Kimberley Woodhouse.

  4. V. Joy Palmer. (A fellow bookstgrammer and Authorgrammer.)

  5. Beverly Lewis.

  6. Roseanna M. White.

  7. Liz Johnson.

  8. Kim Vogel Sawyer.

  9. Lindsay Harrel.

  10. Denise Hunter.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy branching out and reading new to me authors. But if I'm looking for a book I KNOW I'll enjoy I usually pick a story from a writer on that list.

Who are your go to authors? And what do you look for in books?

- Rebekah.

You like what I thrifted?

I've gone thrifting a few times this month so here's some of my favorite finds from each trip!                                      ...